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About This Community

Albany Council has an approximate area of 6,100 km².

It is comprised of 48 suburbs including Albany, Bayonet Head, Big Grove, Bornholm, Centennial Park, Collingwood Heights, Collingwood Park, Cuthbert, Drome, Elleker, Emu Point, Frenchman Bay, Gledhow, Goode Beach, Green Valley, King River, Kronkup, Lange, Little Grove, Lockyer, Lower King, Lowlands, Marbelup, Mckail and Middleton Beach.

It is comprised of the localities of Cheynes, Gnowellen, Green Range, Kalgan, Kojaneerup South, Manypeaks, Mettler, Napier, Palmdale, Redmond, Redmond West, South Stirling and Wellstead.

It is surrounded by the councils of Gnowangerup, Jerramungup, Shire Of Denmark and Shire Of Plantagenet.

It is comprised of the state electorate of Albany.

It is comprised of parts of the O'connor federal electorate.

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