Adult Education
Service Change
Closed for Friday to Monday 7/03/25 - 10/03/25
About Us
The Tenancy Skills Institute offers self-paced online courses that provide essential information for tenants, whether you're seeking to rent or currently renting. Our online courses are jam-packed with information you need to know as a tenant. Learn the essentials to equip you to thrive in your tenancy.
What it's all about
The Tenancy Skills Institute offers two self-paced online courses, ensuring tenants across Australia can access vital tenant education anytime, anywhere on their smartphone or computer. Learn what every tenant needs to know to get approved for a rental property and sail through a trouble-free tenancy. Our courses include:
1. Introduction to Renting
Perfect for senior students ready to embark on life after school including topics such as effective communication, cleaning and budgeting, and sharing with others. Undertake a non-assessed information based learning module that will provide you with a useful overview of rental processes and key documents used within a tenancy.
2. Skillsets for Successful Tenancies
A must-do for first-time renters. Strengthen your rental application with this course and understand what to do when you get the keys to the rental property! Undertake a fully assessed competency-based course covering five modules:
- Effective Communication in a Tenancy
- Renter Rights and Responsibilities
- Renting with Others
- Cleaning and Maintaining a Rental Property
- Finances and Budgeting
Who can enrol
No matter your circumstances, if you're thinking about renting or may already be in a rental property, you will learn practical 'how-to' tenancy skills to manage a rental property successfully.
Visit and commence your learning journey for rental success today!
Find out more about the Skillsets for Successful Tenancies Course
Quick Facts About The Region
Contact Tenancy Skills Institute
Extra Information
Disabled access This location has disabled access
Online Service Yes
Accessible By Anyone
Access Fee Contact us for details
Age Ranges Over 16 years of age
Eligibility Notes
Courses are suitable for all Australian residents and is adapted for each state and/or territory.
Community Education, Education, Public rental housing, Renting and Tenancy, Tenancy Support
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Other Services
The following services are also provided by Tenancy Skills Institute in Ipswich.
Other Regions
Tenancy Skills Institute also provides Adult Education in the following region(s):
- Adelaide
- Adelaide Hills
- Albany
- Albury
- Alexandrina
- Alice Springs
- Alpine
- Alyangula
- Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara
- Ararat
- Armadale
- Armidale
- Ashburton
- Augusta Margaret River
- Aurukun
- Ballarat
- Ballina
- Balonne
- Balranald
- Banana
- Banyule
- Barcaldine
- Barcoo
- Barkly
- Barossa
- Barunga West
- Bass Coast
- Bassendean
- Bathurst
- Baw Baw
- Bayside
- Bayswater
- Bega Valley
- Bellingen
- Belmont
- Belyuen
- Benalla
- Berri Barmera
- Berrigan
- Beverley
- Blackall-Tambo
- Blacktown
- Bland
- Blayney
- Blue Mountains
- Boddington
- Bogan
- Boroondara
- Botany Bay
- Boulia
- Bourke
- Boyup Brook
- Break O'Day
- Brewarrina
- Bridgetown-Greenbushes
- Brighton
- Brimbank
- Brisbane
- Broken Hill
- Brookton
- Broome
- Broomehill-Tambellup
- Bruce Rock
- Bulloo
- Buloke
- Bunbury
- Bundaberg
- Burdekin
- Burke
- Burnie
- Burnside
- Burwood
- Busselton
- Byron
- Cabonne
- Cairns
- Cambridge
- Camden
- Campaspe
- Campbelltown
- Campbelltown
- Canada Bay
- Canberra
- Canning
- Canterbury-Bankstown
- Capel
- Cardinia
- Carnamah
- Carnarvon
- Carpentaria
- Carrathool
- Casey
- Cassowary Coast
- Ceduna
- Central Coast
- Central Coast
- Central Darling
- Central Desert
- Central Goldfields
- Central Highlands
- Central Highlands
- Cessnock
- Chapman Valley
- Charles Sturt
- Charters Towers
- Cherbourg
- Chittering
- Circular Head
- Clare And Gilbert Valleys
- Claremont
- Clarence
- Clarence Valley
- Cleve
- Cloncurry
- Cobar
- Cockburn
- Coffs Harbour
- Colac Otway
- Collie
- Coober Pedy
- Cook
- Coolamon
- Coolgardie
- Coomalie
- Coonamble
- Coorong
- Coorow
- Copper Coast
- Corangamite
- Corrigin
- Cottesloe
- Cowra
- Cox-Daly
- Cranbrook
- Croydon
- Cuballing
- Cue
- Cumberland
- Cunderdin
- Dalwallinu
- Dandaragan
- Dardanup
- Darebin
- Darwin
- Denmark
- Derby-West Kimberley
- Derwent Valley
- Devonport
- Diamantina
- Donnybrook-Balingup
- Doomadgee
- Dorset
- Douglas
- Dowerin
- Dubbo
- Dumbleyung
- Dundas
- Dungog
- East Arnhem
- East Fremantle
- East Gippsland
- East Pilbara
- Edward River
- Elliston
- Elrundie
- Esperance
- Etheridge
- Eurobodalla
- Exmouth
- Fairfield
- Falls Creek Alpine Resort
- Far West
- Federation
- Flinders
- Flinders
- Flinders Ranges
- Forbes
- Franklin Harbour
- Frankston
- Fraser Coast
- Fremantle
- French-Elizabeth-Sandstone Islands
- Gabo Island
- Gannawarra
- Gawler
- George Town
- Georges River
- Geraldton
- Gilgandra
- Gingin
- Gladstone
- Glamorgan-Spring Bay
- Glen Eira
- Glen Innes Severn
- Glenelg
- Glenorchy
- Gnowangerup
- Gold Coast
- Golden Plains
- Goomalling
- Goondiwindi
- Gosnells
- Goulburn Mulwaree
- Goyder
- Grant
- Greater Bendigo
- Greater Dandenong
- Greater Geelong
- Greater Hume
- Greater Shepparton
- Griffith
- Gundagai
- Gunnedah
- Gwydir
- Gympie
- Halls Creek
- Harvey
- Hawkesbury
- Hay
- Hepburn
- Hilltops
- Hinchinbrook
- Hindmarsh
- Hobart
- Hobsons Bay
- Holdfast Bay
- Hope Vale
- Hornsby
- Horsham
- Hume
- Hunters Hill
- Huon Valley
- Indigo
- Inner West
- Inverell
- Irwin
- Isaac
- Jerramungup
- Joondalup
- Junee
- Kalamunda
- Kalgoorlie/Boulder
- Kangaroo Island
- Karoonda East Murray
- Karratha
- Katanning
- Katherine
- Kellerberrin
- Kempsey
- Kent
- Kentish
- Kiama
- Kimba
- King Island
- Kingborough
- Kingston
- Kingston
- Knox
- Kojonup
- Kondinin
- Koorda
- Kowanyama
- Kulin
- Ku-Ring-Gai
- Kwinana
- Kyogle
- Lachlan
- Lake Grace
- Lake Macquarie
- Lake Mountain Alpine Resort
- Lane Cove
- Latrobe
- Latrobe
- Launceston
- Laverton
- Leeton
- Leonora
- Light
- Lismore
- Litchfield
- Lithgow
- Liverpool
- Liverpool Plains
- Livingstone
- Lockhart
- Lockhart River
- Lockyer Valley
- Loddon
- Logan
- Longreach
- Lord Howe Island
- Lower Eyre Peninsula
- Loxton Waikerie
- Macdonnell
- Macedon Ranges
- Mackay
- Maitland
- Mallala
- Mandurah
- Manjimup
- Manningham
- Mansfield
- Mapoon
- Maralinga Tjatjura
- Maranoa
- Mareeba
- Maribyrnong
- Marion
- Maroondah
- Marrakai-Dougla
- McKinlay
- Meander Valley
- Meekatharra
- Melbourne
- Melton
- Melville
- Menzies
- Merredin
- Merri-bek
- Mid Murray
- MidCoast
- Mid-Western
- Mildura
- Mingenew
- Mitcham
- Mitchell
- Moira
- Monash
- Moonee Valley
- Moora
- Moorabool
- Morawa
- Moree Plains
- Moreton Bay
- Mornington
- Mornington Peninsula
- Mosman
- Mosman Park
- Mount Alexander
- Mount Barker
- Mount Baw Baw Alpine Resort
- Mount Buller Alpine Resort
- Mount Gambier
- Mount Hotham Alpine Resort
- Mount Isa
- Mount Magnet
- Mount Marshall
- Mount Remarkable
- Mount Stirling Alpine Resort
- Moyne
- Mukinbudin
- Mundaring
- Municipal Of Roxby Downs
- Murchison
- Murray
- Murray Bridge
- Murray River
- Murrindindi
- Murrumbidgee
- Murweh
- Muswellbrook
- Nambucca
- Nannup
- Napranum
- Naracoorte Lucindale
- Narembeen
- Narrabri
- Narrandera
- Narrogin
- Narrogin Shire
- Narromine
- Nedlands
- Newcastle
- Ngaanyatjarraku
- Nhulunbuy
- Nillumbik
- Noosa
- Norfolk Island
- North Burnett
- North Sydney
- Northam
- Northampton
- Northern Areas
- Northern Beaches
- Northern Grampians
- Northern Midlands
- Northern Peninsula
- Norwood Payneham And St Peters
- Nungarin
- Oberon
- Onkaparinga
- Orange
- Orroroo Carrieton
- Palm Island
- Palmerston
- Parkes
- Paroo
- Parramatta
- Pastoral
- Penrith
- Peppermint Grove
- Perenjori
- Perth
- Peterborough
- Pingelly
- Plantagenet
- Playford
- Pormpuraaw
- Port Adelaide Enfield
- Port Augusta
- Port Hedland
- Port Lincoln
- Port Macquarie-Hastings
- Port Phillip
- Port Pirie
- Port Stephens
- Prospect
- Pyrenees
- Quairading
- Queanbeyan-Palerang
- Queenscliffe Borough
- Quilpie
- Randwick
- Ravensthorpe
- Redland
- Renmark Paringa
- Richmond
- Richmond Valley
- Robe
- Rockdale
- Rockhampton
- Rockingham
- Roper Gulf
- Ryde
- Salisbury
- Sandstone
- Scenic Rim
- Serpentine-Jarrahdale
- Shark Bay
- Shellharbour
- Shoalhaven
- Singleton
- Snowy Monaro
- Snowy Valleys
- Somerset
- Sorell
- South Burnett
- South Gippsland
- South Perth
- Southern Grampians
- Southern Mallee
- Southern Midlands
- Stanthorpe
- Stirling
- Stonnington
- Strathbogie
- Strathfield
- Streaky Bay
- Subiaco
- Sunshine Coast
- Surf Coast
- Sutherland
- Swan
- Swan Hill
- Sydney
- Tablelands
- Tammin
- Tamworth
- Tasman
- Tatiara
- Tea Tree Gully
- Temora
- Tenterfield
- The Hills
- Three Springs
- Tiwi Islands
- Toodyay
- Toowoomba
- Torres
- Torres Strait Island
- Townsville
- Towong
- Trayning
- Tumby Bay
- Tweed
- Uia Riverland
- Uia Whyalla
- Unincorp. Other Territories
- Unincorporated
- Unley
- Upper Gascoyne
- Upper Hunter
- Upper Lachlan
- Uralla
- Victor Harbor
- Victoria Daly
- Victoria Park
- Victoria Plains
- Vincent
- Wagait
- Wagga Wagga
- Wagin
- Wakefield
- Walcha
- Walgett
- Walkerville
- Wandering
- Wangaratta
- Wanneroo
- Waratah-Wynyard
- Waroona
- Warren
- Warrnambool
- Warrumbungle
- Wattle Range
- Waverley
- Weddin
- Weipa
- Wellington
- Wentworth
- West Arnhem
- West Arthur
- West Coast
- West Daly
- West Tamar
- West Torrens
- West Wimmera
- Western Downs
- Westonia
- Whitehorse
- Whitsunday
- Whittlesea
- Whyalla
- Wickepin
- Williams
- Willoughby
- Wiluna
- Wingecarribee
- Winton
- Wodonga
- Wollondilly
- Wollongong
- Wongan-Ballidu
- Woodanilling
- Woollahra
- Woorabinda
- Wudinna
- Wujal Wujal
- Wyalkatchem
- Wyndham
- Wyndham-East Kimberley
- Yalgoo
- Yankalilla
- Yarra
- Yarra Ranges
- Yarrabah
- Yarriambiack
- Yass Valley
- Yilgarn
- York
- Yorke Peninsula
- Yulara
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