Our mission is to keep the Directory and its associated services ad-free and independent across Australia. This commitment relies heavily on the generosity of donations and member support. Remarkably, over 99.9% of our users enjoy the My Community Platforms without any cost. Yet, each search accessing our vital local services costs us approximately $0.42.
If you can contribute even a tiny amount, like $10 or $20, it would make a significant impact. By joining the hundreds of community members who have already contributed, you're joining a community of generous givers, helping us continue to provide these essential services.
To donate, you can just click the link provided here. Every contribution, no matter the size, is crucial in assisting people in your community.
Community Information Support Services, a registered Health Promotion Charity, provides the My Community Platform
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Service, | in My Community Directory
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We are constantly working with new providers to get you the highest quality and up to date data.
Perhaps you can help. Do you know of any organisations that should be listed here but aren't?
The following businesses may not be located in Community but they service the area:
Not Many Listings
As you can see we don't have many listings to show you.
We are constantly working with new providers to get you the highest quality and up to date data.
Perhaps you can help. Do you know of any organisations that should be listed here but aren't?