• Bellingen Neighbourhood Centre

    Information, Referral, Advocacy, Community Development, No Interest Loans Scheme, Emergency/Crisis Accommodation, Electricty Payment Assistance, Telstra Home Phone Account Assistance, Tax Help, Low cost photocopying, faxing, laminatin, comb binding, Room Hire, Volunteer work, rooms for low cost welfar outreach services, Low cost courses, especially life skills development

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  • Open Arms Care Inc

    Open Arms Care

    Formed in 2008 from the amalgamation of three smaller entities; Open Arms Care Inc. is a significant not-for-profit Association which provides community services to families on the Mid North Coast of New South Wales. Founded in Bellingen, Open Arms Care currently operates programs in Bellingen, Urunga, Dorrigo, Nambucca Heads, Coffs Harbour and surrounding areas.

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  • My Care Plan / Recovery coach

    Pasco Care

    Recovery Coaching / Support coordination. Pasco Care NDIS service provider specialising in empowering individuals with psychosocial, intellectual, and autism spectrum disabilities. Our approach is centred on fostering recovery and growth through practical skill-building, psychosocial supports, and holistic service delivery.

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    Services the Bellingen area

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  • National Perinatal Support Program

    The Babes Project Australia

    The Babes Project works with women who are seeking additional support during pregnancy. We run a National support service providing our Perinatal Support Program via phone and video calls for pregnant and early parenting women across Australia, who cannot access one of the Centres.

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    Services the Bellingen area

  • Psychosocial Support Work

    Pasco Care

    Pasco Care NDIS service provider specialising in empowering individuals with psychosocial, intellectual, and autism spectrum disabilities. Our approach is centred on fostering recovery and growth through practical skill-building, psychosocial supports, and holistic service delivery.

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    Services the Bellingen area

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  • Saver Plus

    Saver Plus is a 10-month matched savings program that helps people to build their financial skills, establish a savings goal and develop long term saving habits. When finished, participants receive up to $500 in matched savings which can be used for education costs such as computers and tablets, text books and uniforms.

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    Services the Bellingen area

  • Tender Funerals Mid North Coast - Kempsey

    Tender Funerals Mid North Coast

    At Tender Funerals, we believe funerals and funeral care should be meaningful, authentic, and affordable. Tender Funerals is a not-for-profit funeral service that offers choice and transparency in delivering personalised, meaningful and affordable funerals in times that can create financial or emotional distress, and community education and empowerment around after death care.

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    Services the Bellingen area

    Volunteer Enquiries Welcome

  • Tender Funerals Mid North Coast - Port Macquarie

    Tender Funerals Mid North Coast

    Tender Funerals is a not-for-profit funeral service that offers choice and transparency in delivering personalised, meaningful and affordable funerals in times that can create financial or emotional distress. We also offer community education and empowerment around after death care. We encourage practices that promote healing.

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    Port Macquarie

    Services the Bellingen area

    Volunteer Enquiries Welcome