General Animal Services in Coffs Harbour
General Animal Services
Happy Paws Happy Hearts - Coffs Harbour
Happy Paws Happy HeartsHappy Paws Happy Hearts is a flip on the traditional animal therapy model.Rather than taking pets out to visit people, we work from within a rescue shelter to facilitate group programs. This way, we can work with more people and the thousands of animals waiting to find new homes. We offer unique animal care, handling and advanced training programs.
Coffs Harbour
General Animal Services
Assistance with Domestic Duties for NDIS Pet Owners
Pet CloudPetCloud's national service offers 1. Animal Assisted Mentoring in the Community, 2. Pet Care during Hospital Treatment or Rehabilitation, 3. Assistance with Pet related Household tasks
General Animal Services
Delta Therapy Dogs
Delta Therapy Dogs is a national non-profit organisation. Our therapy dog programs include visits to hospitals, aged care homes, mental health facilities, dementia wards, palliative care, disability services, health clinics, schools, correctional facilities and workplaces. Our volunteer teams brighten the lives of approximately 20,000 people around Australia each week.
General Animal Services
NDIS Support
Pet CloudPetCloud offers Animal Assisted Mentoring in the Community, Assistance with Pet related Household tasks, Ancillary Care for Pets during Hospital Treatment or Rehabilitation
General Animal Services
RSPCA NSW - Community Domestic Violence Program
Royal Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To AnimalsThis service assists families with temporary housing for pets of people who are seeking refuge from domestic violence, and helps to address the link between animal and human abuse and child protection.