General Volunteering Services in Coffs Harbour
Coffs Harbour
Coffs Harbour Neighbourhood Centre
Volunteering Coffs HarbourThe Coffs Harbour Neighbourhood Centre is a drop-in community hub located in the Coffs Harbour Community Village. We provide a one-stop shop for up to date community service information, support and referrals as well as room rentals for community groups.
Coffs Harbour
General Volunteering Services
Bularri Muurlay Nyanggan Aboriginal Corporation
The programs that BMNAC deliver are designed to ensure that Aboriginal youth are strong in terms of both cultural identity and educational success. It is our goal that our children complete and achieve at school at the same rate as all Australian children in order to compete for real jobs whilst also being knowledgeable and proud of who they are as Aboriginal people.
coffs harbour
General Volunteering Services
Coffs Christmas Lunch 4 U
Coffs Christmas Lunch 4 U is the annual free Christmas Day lunch for those within the Coffs community who may be experiencing homelessness, isolation, disadvantage or do not have family and friends to share the day with. Christmas can be a happy, but sometimes sad and confronting time of year, and our event is to provide inclusiveness and care.
General Volunteering Services
Coffs Harbour Show Society
The Coffs Harbour Show Society offer contest, trade and exhibitions and competitions as well as sales of tickets for entry all ages to go on rides and for competitors and exhibitors.
Coffs Harbour
General Volunteering Services
Coffs Harbour Surf Life Saving Club
The club is a community organisation run by volunteers who are dedicated to protecting members of the public who surf and swim at the beach.
Coffs Harbour
General Volunteering Services
Coffs Regional Community Garden
The gardens are supported by the council to show locals how to garden without chemicals, make compost, use of tools and machines. There's a covered area to hold workshops, cook food gathered from garden, a pizza oven. Also a shade house to start seedlings, and a few sheds to keep the equipment undercover.
Coffs Harbour
General Volunteering Services
Friends of the Botanic Gardens
The Australian Association of Friends of Botanic Gardens (AAFBG) in Coffs Harbour is a national network providing a forum for communication, information and promotion between it’s members, related botanic gardens groups and the community and is a Not For Profit Incorporated Association with a Committee of Management (COM) made up of representatives nominated from and by the Members.
Coffs Harbour
General Volunteering Services
Linked To Life
We aim to enable the independence, security and social well-being of older people & people with disabilites, by providing a range of services in need.
Coffs Harbour
General Volunteering Services
Lions Club - Woolgoolga
Lions are people who get involved in humanitarian efforts locally, nationally, and internationally. People like you can find community service and volunteer opportunities in Lions through: Mentoring, Leadership Development, Medical Research Fundraising, Disaster Relief
General Volunteering Services
Marine Rescue Coffs Harbour
Marine Rescue NSW saves lives on the water. Members of the boating community can be confident that when they call for help, a professionally trained and equipped Marine Rescue NSW crew will be quickly under way. Our services to the boating community include: 24/7 emergency Search and Rescue The State’s only Log On and vessel tracking service for recreational boaters.
Coff Harbour
General Volunteering Services
Momentive Collective
The Momentum Collective help with Mental Health, Community Housing, Supported Employment, NDIS Planning & Support Coordination, Supported Living, Domestic & Family Violence, Homelessness, Outreach & Day Programs
Coff Harbour
General Volunteering Services
Red Rock - Corindi Surf Life Saving Club
The role of the Surf Lifesaver now stretches far beyond the beach and there are countless ways to become involved in your community.
Red Rock
General Volunteering Services
Sawtell Surf Life Saving Club
The providing of a community service For our reporting year just ended on 30th April 2018 the Club members undertook 5500 patrol hours, undertook 23 rescues , performed 200 preventative actions and provided first aid on 48 occasions. Our members undertook essential training during the year to assist in their roles.
General Volunteering Services
St Johns Ambulance
St John Ambulance Australia is a self-funded charitable organisation active in all states and territories, dedicated to helping people in sickness, distress, suffering or danger.
Coffs Harbour
General Volunteering Services
Wadjar Regional Indigenous Gallery
Gurehlgam CorporationWelcome to Yarrawarra! This pristine coastal paradise is the homeland of the Garby Elders in the Northern lowlands of Gumbaynggirr Nation. Our Centre has many services, activities and attractions, to help us share the history and cultural values of our Elders and Ancestors
Corindi Beach
Coffs Harbour Neighbourhood Centre - Volunteer Services
Gambling Harm ProgramCoffs Coast Volunteering has been operating for over 15 years as a go to linkage service to connect volunteers on the Coffs Coast with Volunteer Involving Organisations.
Coffs Harbour
Coffs Harbour Regional Landcare - Coffs Harbour
Coffs Harbour Regional LandcareCHRL acts as the umbrella network for 35 sites & groups with a combined membership of approximately 300 individuals. The majority of these members volunteer on public land within the Coffs Harbour LGA, with worksites occurring throughout the Coffs Coast Regional Park, Coffs Harbour City Council’s reserve network, or other public land managed by NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service.
Coffs Harbour
Coffs Harbour Support Services
We were established in 1993 by local families and community members and are committed to building a Community in which people with disability are valued and contributing members. We employ values-aligned, passionate, kind and respectful Support workers - compatible with your individual goals and personality. We offer a range of services and supports and innovative activities within the Coffs area.
Coffs Harbour
General Volunteering Services
Delta Therapy Dogs - Melbourne
Delta Therapy DogsDelta Therapy Dogs is a national non-profit organisation. Our volunteer teams brighten the lives of approximately 20,000 people around Australia each week. Our therapy dog programs include visits to hospitals, aged care homes, mental health facilities, dementia wards, palliative care, disability services, health clinics, schools, correctional facilities and workplaces.