Crisis & Emergency Accommodation in Wagga Wagga
Crisis & Emergency Accommodation
Edel Quinn
Vinnies RiverinaEdel Quinn provides crisis accommodation and case management services for those who are experiencing homelessness. We do this through a residential program and an outreach support program. Our aim is to work together with those at risk of homelessness and with other services to find stable accommodation and attach people to the community supports they need. Our crisis accommodation program accepts
Wagga Wagga
Crisis & Emergency Accommodation
Sisters Housing Enterprise Inc.
SISTERS HOUSING ENTERPRISES INCSisters Housing Enterprises Inc. (SHE Inc.) is a community based not for profit organisation providing Case Management to women & women with children who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. SHE Inc. also has limited crisis and transitional accommodation.
Wagga Wagga
Crisis & Emergency Accommodation
Department of Communities & Justice Housing Contact Centre
NSW Department of HousingThe Housing Contact Centre is a ‘one-stop-shop’ for tenants, maintenance contractors and members of the public. Each year approximately 800,000 calls are received (about 3,500 calls daily). These calls cover everything from tenant maintenance enquiries to requests for accommodation assistance.