General Volunteering Services in Wagga Wagga
General Volunteering Services
Hoedown Showdown Wagga
Hoedown Showdown Wagga is a yearly event that caters for the family. Pony rides, line dancing, live music, prizes galore, water melon eating contests, live auctions, BBQ and bar facilities. A great family night which raises much needed funds for the Riding for the Disabled Centre Wagga.
Lake Albert
General Volunteering Services
St John Ambulance Wagga Wagga Combined Division
St John Ambulance (NSW) Wagga Wagga Combined DivisionSt John Ambulance NSW Volunteers are highly trained First Aiders dedicated to making our community a safer place. Teams from St John Ambulance NSW Wagga Wagga Combined Division are available to come along and run a First Aid Post at your next Event. Go to to book your Event.
Glenfield Park
General Volunteering Services
Delta Therapy Dogs - Melbourne
Delta Therapy DogsDelta Therapy Dogs is a national non-profit organisation. Our volunteer teams brighten the lives of approximately 20,000 people around Australia each week. Our therapy dog programs include visits to hospitals, aged care homes, mental health facilities, dementia wards, palliative care, disability services, health clinics, schools, correctional facilities and workplaces.
General Volunteering Services
Delta Therapy Dogs
Delta Therapy Dogs is a national non-profit organisation. Our volunteer teams brighten the lives of approximately 20,000 people around Australia each week. Our therapy dog programs include visits to hospitals, aged care homes, mental health facilities, dementia wards, palliative care, disability services, health clinics, schools, correctional facilities and workplaces.
General Volunteering Services
The Trustee For Freddy Bear Foundation
At FreddyMatch, we drive social change through technology, using our unique algorithm to match people with great opportunities, increasing volunteer participation rates and building stronger communities.
General Volunteering Services
Volunteer mentor to a child in foster care - NSW
The Pyjama FoundationAt The Pyjama Foundation, we provide young people in foster care the opportunity to change the direction of their lives with learning, life skills and confidence. Since 2004, we have supported 11,000 young people across Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria.
Australian Breastfeeding Association
The Australian Breastfeeding Association is a voluntary organisation whose purpose is to promote and protect breastfeeding as ‘the norm’ in the community. Trained counsellors are available by phone, email, online or at local group meetings to assist parents or health professionals with breastfeeding questions.
Wagga Wagga
Australian Red Cross Wagga Wagga
Migration Support Programs, Emergency Services, Telecross & Telecross, Learner Drive Mentor Program, Ngurra Community Centre
Wagga Wagga
Delta Therapy Dogs
Delta Therapy Dogs is a national non-profit organisation. Our various therapy dog programs include visits to aged care homes, hospitals, mental health facilities, dementia wards, palliative care, disability services, health clinics, schools, correctional facilities and workplaces. Our volunteer teams brighten the lives of approximately 20,000 people around Australia each week.
Delta Therapy Dogs
Delta Therapy Dogs is a national non-profit organisation. Our therapy dog programs include visits to hospitals, aged care homes, mental health facilities, dementia wards, palliative care, disability services, health clinics, schools, correctional facilities and workplaces. Our volunteer teams brighten the lives of approximately 20,000 people around Australia each week.
Delta Therapy Dogs
Delta Therapy Dogs is a national non-profit organisation. Our therapy dog programs include visits to health clinics and hospitals, aged care homes, mental health facilities, dementia wards, palliative care, disability services, schools, correctional facilities and workplaces. Our volunteer teams brighten the lives of approximately 20,000 people around Australia each week.
Dementia Education and Support Service
Service is available to help people understand a diagnosis of dementia and what it means for the person with dementia and their families. Create links to services and supports that meet the individual needs of the person with dementia and their carers or family. Provide information, education and practical, day to day advice about managing issues associated with dementia and memory changes.
Wagga Wagga
Demonstration Gardens Wagga Wagga
Open to sell or swap organic produce, share gardening tips, have a cuppa and more. Key features include a wood fired oven, vegetable and fruit garden beds, Bicycle Repair Cafe and Kids Corner. All visitors and volunteers welcome to share Wagga's community gardening experience.
Wagga Wagga
Inclusee Ltd
Our mission is to use the power of connection to reduce isolation and loneliness for Australians. At Inclusee connection is at the core of everything we do. We connect people to friends, family, interests, cultures and events. Our cutting-edge programs are delivered by our specially trained volunteers to provide companionship and comfort to our community participants.
Kooringal-Wagga Athletics Club
KOORINGAL-WAGGA ATHLETIC CLUBKooringal-Wagga Athletics Club promotes athletics as a participation sport for children with the help of their parents. Children are encouraged to compete against one another in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere regardless of ability. The idea is for children to improve individual performance throughout the season as well as physical fitness and technique.
Wagga Wagga
Kyeamba Kennel and Training Club Inc.
Kyeamba Kennel & Training ClubPet Dog foundation classes. General handling and obedience training and practice for club members most Sunday mornings. Agility, Obedience, Rally and Tricks trials held annually. A volunteer run not-for-profit club committed to positive reinforcement training methods and passionate about responsible dog ownership.
Wagga Wagga
Loreto Home of Compassion
Loreto Home of Compassion provides high level nursing care for 76 residents in single room accommodation and includes a secure dementia care unit (10 beds). The Centre aims to provide a homelike environment and to maintain the independence of the residents as well as their mobility to the greatest extent possible.
Wagga Wagga
Mountain Bike Wagga Inc.
The club emphasises both social and competitive Mountain Biking and strongly encourages junior girls and boys, women and beginner participation. The Club actively promotes respect and protection for the land, fauna and flora they ride on in partnership with Land Managers and other user groups and through the development of sustainable trails, rehabilitation and re-vegetation.
Wagga Wagga
MS Connect
MS Plus is one of Australia’s leading sources of information, advice and support services for people living with MS and other neurological conditions. Based in Victoria, New South Wales, Tasmania and the ACT, we have over 60 years of insight into how to live well with MS. We pride ourselves on being trusted experts in MS, while supporting a broader range of neurological conditions.
Wagga Wagga
RADIO 1RPH - Wagga Wagga
RADIO 1RPHVolunteer run community radio station providing information and entertainment for people with a print disability and the broader community. Listen to us live on 89.5FM, via the Community Radio Plus app or stream from Readings from the Daily Advertiser 8am Monday to Friday.
Wagga Wagga