Community Service Clubs in Aurukun
Community Service Clubs
Australia Nova Romana
A national Roman living-history and education organisation providing a central community for the study of Latin language, exploration of ancient Roman politics and a safe network for members to explore and learn about the 'cultus deorum romanum', the religion of ancient Rome.
Community Service Clubs
Braille House
Braille HouseFree lending Braille library. Braille House is a Not-for-profit organisation that transforms the lives of vision impaired people with by producing and giving access to reading material and other tactual resources through our extensive library of books, and much, much more.
Community Service Clubs
Connected au
Connected AU was born out of this concern, with a focus on helping people who might be isolated, vulnerable and lonely. Mea built a free online platform to connect and engage people, and The Letterbox Project became the foundation of this platform.
Edmund Rice Camps Queensland
Edmund Rice CampsEdmund Rice Camps Queensland is a community based not - for - profit organisation, providing recreational activities for children, youth and families who may not otherwise have the opportunity. We deliver peer - mentoring programs supported by committed and passionate young adult volunteers with children who are referred to us by other community support organisations.
Primary And Community Care Services - Thornleigh
Primary And Community Care ServicesPCCS is a not-for-profit local health organisation working to make it easier for people to access the health and community services they need. We provide social work, care coordination, nursing, occupational therapy, and psychological support services. Services are available at no cost to clients through funded programs like the NDIS, 'Plus Social', 'NewAccess' etc. Call us to discuss your needs
Seeds Of Hope Community Services Ltd
Seeds Of Hope Community ServicesWe provide fee and interest free loans up to $1000 to people on Centrelink to escape pawn brokers, pay day lenders, rent/buy contracts. We also assist with car registration. This project is called Financial Choices and is funded via philanthropic grants. We operate statewide with over the phone support.
Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centre - Peninsula
Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centre• Information and referral • Resources • Brokerage service for: In-home respite; Day Centre respite; Residential respite • Online Services Directory –, click on Search for Services
Family Relationship Advice Line
Department of Social ServicesFor those seeking help, information, support and referral to a range of services that can prevent family breakdown or ease the difficulties associated with separation and divorce.
Indigenous Allied Health Australia (IAHA)
Indigenous Allied Health AustraliaIndigenous Allied Health Australia (IAHA) is a national, member-based Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander allied health organisation. IAHA leads sector workforce development and support to improve the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.