Specialist Homelessness Services

About Us

Youth Support and Homelessness Service

Youth Support staff (Youth Support Advocate and Court Youth Support Worker) can provide young people up to 20 years of age with information, advice, referral and support and advocacy in particular:

  • provide an integrated Youth Court Assist Program (YCAP) at the Brisbane Children’s Court to young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness and/or who come to the attention of the police and courts
  • help young people who are homeless or risk of homelessness with housing support, education and income hassles
  • support young people at court (both childrens and high courts, tribunals and hearings), including writing a report for the court where appropriate
  • provide outreach support including visiting young people in detention (including transition support to young people exiting detention)
  • transitional support, advocacy and practical assistance to young people within, and leaving, the child protection and youth justice systems
  • support young people who have been a victim of crime
  • undertake intensive personal support


The YSA also runs a living skills program with the centre’s CLE worker “Talk it up” - a peer advocacy program for young people delivered in a variety of settings (including Brisbane Youth Detention Centre).


Youth Bail Accommodation Support Service (YBASS)   

YBASS staff work with young people aged 10 – 16 years who have committed or are alleged to have committed an offence. Their priority is  young people where accommodation problems mean that they may not be released on bail, including those who have already been remanded in custody at the Brisbane Youth Detention Centre. YBASS assists young people:

  • to access safe, secure and appropriate accommodation and maintain that accommodation
  • comply with their bail conditions, in particular through accessing services or programs relevant to their needs and involvement in positive activities and engagement with school, training or employment


They can also assist families and carers with whom the young person is living to support the placement.


All services provided are free and confidential.

Quick Facts About The Region

Youth Advocacy Centre is located in the suburb of South Brisbane, the ward of The Gabba in the council of Brisbane, the state electorate of South Brisbane and the federal electorate of Griffith.