Outdoor Sports
Toombul Croquet Club
Toombul Croquet Club
Mon Closed
Tue 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Wed 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Thu Closed
Fri Closed
Sat 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Sun Closed
About Us
Toombul Croquet Club offers members both Association Croquet and Golf Croquet. New members are very welcome. After learning the game(s), members can play socially at least once every week with and against their fellow club members. There are also many regular opportunities to visit other clubs for social matches, or to play in the various competitions that all Queensland croquet clubs offer. The croquet community is a very welcoming one and new players are sure to enjoy themselves. A handicap system helps to ensure that all your competition games (if you choose to play competition) give both sides an equal chance to win. You will quickly make new friends whilst enjoying an outdoor sport that is suited to all ages and both sexes.
Extra Information
Accessible By Members only
Access Fee Full cost
Age Ranges All ages