General Aboriginal Services in Burdekin
Diverse Communities & Social Services (DCSS Australia Inc.) Indigenous & LGBTIQA+ Community Justice and Social Services Charity / Not-For-Profit & Charity Community Consultants (NFPCCC) Indigenous DGR PBI Charities
#Dcss - Diverse Community Justice & Social Services (Www.Dcssjustice.Au) #Lgbtiq #Multicultural #Disability #Firstnations #Indigenous #Diversity #Equality #Inclusion #Dei #Nfp #CharityThis program enables us to assist people who are disadvantaged and who genuinely want to change their lives. Clients can complete a WDP through our organisation, for more information please visit: or email
General Aboriginal Services
Cross Cultural Liaison Officers
Queensland Police ServiceCross-Cultural Liaison Officers (CCLOs) improve police relations with Indigenous/multicultural communities and further the aims of the Queensland Police Service. To contact your Regional Cross Cultural Liaison Officers call your local regional headquarters or the State Police Liaison Officer Coordinator in the First Nations and Multicultural Affairs Unit.
General Aboriginal Services
Gudjuda Reference Group Aboriginal Corperation
GUDJUDA REFERENCE GROUP ABORIGINALCORPORATIONGudjuda Reference Group Aboriginal Corporation was established in 1999 to support six Traditional Owner groups with cultural heritage and native title.
Home Hill
General Aboriginal Services
Juru Walk
GUDJUDA REFERENCE GROUP ABORIGINALCORPORATIONJuru walk is a walking trail developed in partnership with the local shire council located at the bottom of Plantation Park, Ayr. Local primary schools participate in cultural events delivered by Gudjuda and Traditional Owners to increase their awareness of Aboriginal cultural heritage.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health service
Townsville Hospital and Health ServiceAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Liaison Officers and Health Workers advocate on behalf of and provide support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients, their families and carers throughout their healthcare journey including liaising with clinical staff to ensure culturally appropriate communication and services are provided.
General Aboriginal Services
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships
The Department Of CommunitiesAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships provide whole-of-government strategies to improve business and economic participation outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders.
General Aboriginal Services
Pasco Care
Pasco Care is a NDIS Registered Provider delivering supports to First Nations People. We are experts in Mental Health and Disability Support services. Community Access, Accommodation, Daily support and Support connections and Coordination. We understand the importance of delivering a culturally safe and competent service to ensure fair and equitable access to all.
General Aboriginal Services
QIFVLS - Townsville Office
Queensland Indigenous Family Violence Legal ServiceWe are a free legal service, for Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander people, affected by family violence and/ or sexual assault. Our organisation was established to deliver culturally appropriate legal services including community education and community legal education.
The Bur-Del Co-Operative Advancement Society
Provide culturally appropriate community support, housing, services, education and advocacy for Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander, Australian South Sea Islander and non-Indigenous people within the Burdekin and Townsville region.
General Aboriginal Services
Tiddas In Business - FREE Business Workshops
MurawinThe Tiddas in Business program is a series of culturally appropriate business activities that introduce entrepreneurship, business, & leadership skills. The activities are led by Indigenous Businesswomen who provide insights, strategies, tools & resources for starting and growing business.
Metro North Hospital And Health ServiceAdis has operated for over 30 years as Queensland’s first port of call for anyone with alcohol and drug concerns. We are a 24 hour, 7 day a week confidential support service offering support for people in Queensland with alcohol and other drug concerns, their loved ones and health professionals.
Ayr Gospel Outreach Centre International
Gospel Outreach Centre InternationalGospel Outreach Centre International Inc. Located in Ayr
Ayr Health service
Townsville Hospital and Health ServiceThe Ayr Health Service is a 28-bed facility located in the township of Ayr, in North Queensland. The Ayr Health Service offers general medical, surgical and obstetric services to Ayr, Home Hill and the broader Burdekin Shire.
Beyond Blue Ltd
Beyond BlueWe all have good days and bad days. Then there are those days when something isn't quite right, you've got something on your mind, or things just seem too much.
Bur-Del Healthy Learning Centre
The Bur-Del Co-Operative Advancement SocietyThe Bur-Del Early Childhood Educational Transition Program (BECET) was developed out of a vision to give indigenous children in the Burdekin community a better start to school, leading to improved educational outcomes and a brighter future. The program targets 3-5 year-olds and strives to enhance development and learning through a holistic, interventional approach.
Burdekin Area Youth Watch
BAY-WatchBurdekin Area Youth Watch, also known as BAYWatch. The initiative aims to mentor and guide Indigenous youth through childhood and their teenage years.
Burdekin South Sea Islander Organisation
Burdekin South Sea Islander Organisation Inc
Indigenous Allied Health Australia (IAHA)
Indigenous Allied Health AustraliaIndigenous Allied Health Australia (IAHA) is a national, member-based Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander allied health organisation. IAHA leads sector workforce development and support to improve the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
North Queensland Competitive Employment Service - Ayr
NQ EMPLOYMENTATSI Who's Eligible: Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
North Queensland Competitive Employment Service - Ayr
NQ EMPLOYMENTINDA Who's Eligible: Indigenous Australians