General Community Facilities in Burdekin
General Community Facilities
Burdekin Library - Home Hill
Burdekin Shire CouncilThe Burdekin Library service offers books magazines, large print and audio-visual materials and Internet access at both its branches.
Home Hill
Burdekin Area Youth Watch
BAY-WatchBurdekin Area Youth Watch, also known as BAYWatch. The initiative aims to mentor and guide Indigenous youth through childhood and their teenage years.
Burdekin Centre for Rural Health
Burdekin Community AssociationThe Burdekin Centre for Rural Health team offer a range of activities to members of the Burdekin community.
Burdekin Library - Ayr
Burdekin Shire CouncilThe Burdekin Library service offers books magazines, large print and audio-visual materials and Internet access at both its branches. Inter-library loans are also available for items not held by this library. Disability access & toilet available.
Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre
Current Programs, services & activities offered by Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre Assoc Inc include: - Community Information, Support & Referrals - Local Meeting Spaces - Support and Social Groups - Lifestyle Programs - Free Community Legal Advice Program - Burdekin MyTime Program - Community Development programs - A hub for visiting services and programs - Network Development
Burdekin Visitor Information Centre
Burdekin Shire CouncilFor inspiration, local knowledge, to source event information or to obtain brochures and maps visit the Burdekin Visitor Information Centre located in Plantation Park along the Bruce Highway in Ayr, operating 7 days a week.
Burdekin Water Festival
BURDEKIN WATER FESTIVAL COMMITTEECelebrating the abundance of water in our district, the Burdekin Water Festival is one of the longest running festivals in Queensland. The Burdekin Water Festival celebrates the abundance of water in the region and is one of the longest running festivals in Queensland. The festival runs over a 3 month period with an Ambassador Program and associated events.
Home Hill Community Sports Club
The place for Weddings, Engagements, Birthdays and all types of party bookings. Meeting rooms are FREE for Community Organisations. Weekly activities include: Monday Gentle Exercises, Tuesday Morning Group, Wednesday Arts and Crafts Group, Wednesday Evening Sausage Sizzle and Bowls, Thursday Afternoon Bowls.
Home Hill Community Sports Club
Our community hall is available for local community groups to use free of charge. The hall can also be rented for use for Bowls Parties, Christmas Parties, Weddings, Funerals and Corporate events.
Jerona Citizens Association Incorporated
Provide, improve facilities and support all residents and visitors to Jerona Township
Office and Consulting Room Hire
Burdekin Community AssociationAvailable for hire: three professional spacious clinical consult rooms and one office room.
Airville State School
Airville State School was opened on 2nd September, 1890. Our school population has fluctuated over the years with it reaching approximately 130 children in the mid to late 1990s. There are currently 10 children at the school. The school is surrounded by cane fields. It is the only community facility within the Airville area.
All About Teeth - Ayr
ALL ABOUT TEETH PTY LTDWe focus on the importance of dental health to enable you to look after, and maintain your smile for life through effective continuing care. We cover all aspects of dental treatment including dental implants, teeth whitening, crowns and bridges and orthodontics to patients across all age groups.
Alva Beach Tourist Park
Situated 15klms east of Ayr with shady grassed sites in a tranquil tropical setting. Drive through sites with daily and weekly rates. BBQ and camp kitchen with disabled facilities and tiled amenities. Safe sun drenched beach, best fishing spots, great beach walks.
Ayr Health service
Townsville Hospital and Health ServiceThe Ayr Health Service is a 28-bed facility located in the township of Ayr, in North Queensland. The Ayr Health Service offers general medical, surgical and obstetric services to Ayr, Home Hill and the broader Burdekin Shire.
Burdekin Bowl
NUCIFORA BROSBurdekin Bowl is a Tenpin Bowling facility established in 1983 by the Nucifora family and is a very popular centre in NQ in tenpin bowling circles
Centrelink Access Point - Giru
Services AustraliaAccess Points provide free self-help facilities where customers can conduct their government-related business including information products and forms, access to a telephone to call the department, Medicare claiming facilities and a fax/photocopier. Access Point staff can also sight and photocopy Proof of Identity documents for Centrelink.
Centrelink Access Point - Home Hill
Services AustraliaAccess Points provide free self-help facilities where customers can conduct their government-related business including information products and forms, access to a telephone to call the department, Medicare claiming facilities and a fax/photocopier. Access Point staff can also sight and photocopy Proof of Identity documents for Centrelink.
Home Hill
Delta Therapy Dogs
Delta Therapy Dogs is a national non-profit organisation. Our various therapy dog programs include visits to aged care homes, hospitals, mental health facilities, dementia wards, palliative care, disability services, health clinics, schools, correctional facilities and workplaces. Our volunteer teams brighten the lives of approximately 20,000 people around Australia each week.
Delta Therapy Dogs
Delta Therapy Dogs is a national non-profit organisation. Our therapy dog programs include visits to hospitals, aged care homes, mental health facilities, dementia wards, palliative care, disability services, health clinics, schools, correctional facilities and workplaces. Our volunteer teams brighten the lives of approximately 20,000 people around Australia each week.