Aboriginal Health Services in Cairns
Aboriginal Health Services
Mookai Rosie-bi-bayan (Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islanders Corporation)Accommodation for up to twenty-four clients and situated far from the humbug of town, we are a home away from home, a place where women can feel safe and secure while they are spending those special days bonding with their new baby or recovering from medical treatment.
Aboriginal Health Services
Afterhours Services for First Nations Maternal Child Health
Mookai Rosie-bi-bayan (Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islanders Corporation)Mookai Rosie Bi-Bayan provides in-hours and afterhours comprehensive primary health clinical practice, antenatal, perinatal, postnatal and child health care for Australian First Nations clients living in rural and remote communities in the Torres and Cape region, who need to travel from their community to access antenatal care and birthing services situated in Carins.
Aboriginal Health Services
Allied Health - Visiting Clinic
Wuchopperen Health ServiceWuchopperen’s Allied Health service is located in Reef Centre at the Manoora site and also provides a visiting service to the Edmonton Clinic.
Aboriginal Health Services
Allied Health Services
Apunipima Cape York Health CouncilAllied Health is a term used to describe the broad range of health professionals separate from dentistry, nursing, medicine and pharmacy. Allied health professionals are specially trained in their field to prevent, diagnose and treat a range of conditions and illnesses.
Aboriginal Health Services
Allied Health
Wuchopperen Health ServiceWuchopperen’s Allied Health service is located in Reef Centre at the Manoora site and also provides a visiting service to the Edmonton Clinic.
Aboriginal Health Services
Child Maternal Health
Mookai Rosie-bi-bayan (Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islanders Corporation)We pride ourselves providing opportunities for our people to be part of the change. We provide a healthy and caring environment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and children attending medical treatment in Cairns.
Aboriginal Health Services
Child wellbeing
Wuchopperen Health ServiceWuchopperen’s Child Wellbeing service is based at the Manoora facility and works with the Department of Child Safety, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs in matters involving Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander children. Child Wellbeing services are available in Cairns, Innisfail and the Atherton Tablelands in collaboration with the Child Safety Service Centres in each area.
Aboriginal Health Services
Children & Family Centre
Wuchopperen Health ServiceThe Children and Family Centre service is located at the Mangrove building at our Manoora facility. The Centre provides integrated services for early childhood education and care, family and parenting support and child and maternal health.
Aboriginal Health Services
Chronic conditions
Apunipima Cape York Health CouncilChronic conditions are long-lasting and persistent in their symptoms or development. The term is applied to conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer and other non-communicable diseases.
Aboriginal Health Services
Family Wellbeing Service
Wuchopperen Health ServiceThe Family Wellbeing Services team delivers programs that offer Aboriginal and Torres Strai Islander families the option to access culturally safe services that are designed and delivered by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to build happy, healthy and safe families.
Aboriginal Health Services
Family Wellbeing Service
Wuchopperen Health ServiceThe Family Wellbeing Services team delivers programs that offer Aboriginal and Torres Strai Islander families the option to access culturally safe services that are designed and delivered by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to build happy, healthy and safe families.
Aboriginal Health Services
General Practitioner (GP)
Apunipima Cape York Health CouncilApunipima Cape York Health Council is responsible for delivering high quality, culturally appropriate, comprehensive primary health care to 11 Cape York communities.
Aboriginal Health Services
Health Support
Wuchopperen Health ServiceWuchopperen provides Health Support services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. These are managed from the Reef building in Manoora, and from the Edmonton clinic.
Aboriginal Health Services
Health Support
Wuchopperen Health ServiceWuchopperen provides Health Support services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. These are managed from the Reef building in Manoora, and from the Edmonton clinic.
Aboriginal Health Services
Holistic Health
Wuchopperen Health ServiceWe provide services for the whole person - mental health and physical, cultural and spiritual health. These services are delivered from our Manoora and Edmonton clinics.
Aboriginal Health Services
Holistic Health
Wuchopperen Health ServiceWe provide services for the whole person - mental health and physical, cultural and spiritual health. These services are delivered from our Manoora and Edmonton clinics.
Aboriginal Health Services
Indigenous Allied Health Australia
NQPHNIndigenous Allied Health Australia is a national, member-based Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander allied health organisation. IAHA leads sector workforce development and support to improve the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Cairns City
Aboriginal Health Services
Integrated Team Care - Managing Chronic Health Conditions
Mamu Health ServiceThe Integrated Team Care program is an Australian Government Program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. We assist those who need extra help in understanding and managing their Chronic Health Conditions.
Aboriginal Health Services
Integrated Team Care
Mookai Rosie-bi-bayan (Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islanders Corporation)The Integrated Team Care Program was established to improve chronic conditions outcomes for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people by improving access to primary health care, including cultural appropriate mainstream services, and by providing care coordination and access to brokerage funds (Supplementary Services) for eligible clients.
Aboriginal Health Services
Integrated Team Care
Wuchopperen Health ServiceWuchopperen Integrated Team Care