Sexual Support Services & Counselling in Cairns
Sexual Support Services & Counselling
Cairns Sexual Assault Service (CSAS)
True Relationships & Reproductive HealthCairns Sexual Assault Service offers a free, professional and confidential service to all women, over the age of 15 years, who have been sexually assaulted recently or in the past. The contact number for the Cairns Sexual Assault Service is (07) 4031 3590. Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. 24-ho crisis support through presenting at Cairns Hospital Emergency Department or Police.
Cairns City
Sexual Support Services & Counselling
Cairns Sexual Assault Service
Counselling for adult clients of any gender identity who have experienced recent or historical sexual assault or abuse.
Cairns City
Sexual Support Services & Counselling
Qld AIDS Council (QuAC) - Cairns
QUEENSLAND AIDS COUNCIL INC (QUAC)The Queensland AIDS Council is a community based organisation providing HIV prevention and sexual health promotion services to gay (and other men who have sex with men) and Indigenous communities. We aim to enable people to make and implement choices about their sexual life. QuAC provides printed and electronic resources, outreach to gay meeting places, 1800 men's info line and website, ...
Sexual Support Services & Counselling
Respect Inc - Cairns
Respect IncRespect Inc aims to provide all sex workers with peer support, advocacy and referral to appropriate services, in keeping with individual needs and requests. Specific objectives are: To provide peer support to all sex workers who want it, including one to one contact with culturally appropriate peers; to provide crisis intervention when needed; to provide referral to sex worker friendly se...
Sexual Support Services & Counselling
MHSTAre you experiencing sexual assault or domestic and family violence? Seeking to support someone who is? Qualified, experienced counsellors are available 24/7 to provide support, information and referral. Call 000 if in danger.
Sexual Support Services & Counselling
Breaking Free Healing Centre
Breaking Free Healing Centre Inc. is dedicated to offering affordable and effective hope, healing and specialised recovery to all those suffering from the effects of Emotional, Verbal, Physical, Sexual Abuse and Family Dysfunction.
Sexual Support Services & Counselling
Brisbane Rape and Incest Survivors Support Centre
Women's HouseBRISSC provides free support and counselling services to women (over the age of 15 years) who have experienced sexual violence at any time in their lives.
Sexual Support Services & Counselling
Children By Choice Association Incorporated
Children by Choice provide a Queensland-wide telephone counselling, information and referral service on all unplanned pregnancy options - abortion, adoption and parenting. Face to face counselling services are available in the Brisbane region by appointment.
Sexual Support Services & Counselling
DV Connect Sexual Assault Helpline
DvconnectThe State-wide Sexual Assault Line offers telephone support and counselling to anyone – women, men and young people – who has been sexually assaulted or abused and for anyone who is concerned or suspects someone they care about might have been assaulted or abused.