General Aboriginal Services in Cherbourg
Diverse Communities & Social Services (DCSS Australia Inc.) Indigenous & LGBTIQA+ Community Justice and Social Services Charity / Not-For-Profit & Charity Community Consultants (NFPCCC) Indigenous DGR PBI Charities
#Dcss - Diverse Community Justice & Social Services (Www.Dcssjustice.Au) #Lgbtiq #Multicultural #Disability #Firstnations #Indigenous #Diversity #Equality #Inclusion #Dei #Nfp #CharityThis program enables us to assist people who are disadvantaged and who genuinely want to change their lives. Clients can complete a WDP through our organisation, for more information please visit: or email
General Aboriginal Services
Barambah Local Justice Group
Cherbourg Community Justice Group that aims to assist and reduce the over-representation of indigenous offenders in prison and youth in detention; to address law and order issues in a way that indigenous communities understand in relation to their customs, laws and justice; provides avenues for community consultations
General Aboriginal Services
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships
The Department Of CommunitiesAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships provide whole-of-government strategies to improve business and economic participation outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders.
Bulk Billing GP
Cherbourg Regional Aboriginal and Islander Community Controlled Health ServicesThe first person you see when you come in to CRAICCHS will be our Medical Receptionists, they will make sure your appointments are booked, transport is organised, and appointment reminders go out. You will then see either a Health Worker or a Nurse. GP appointments are a great first step on your health and wellbeing journey.
Cherbourg Regional Aboriginal and Islander Community Controlled Health ServicesCRAICCHS is a comprehensive health care service for the people of the South Burnett
Ny-ku Byun Hostel
Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire CouncilNy-ku Byun Hostel provides aged care and respite services to Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander clients in the Cherbourg community.
General Aboriginal Services
Pasco Care
Pasco Care is a NDIS Registered Provider delivering supports to First Nations People. We are experts in Mental Health and Disability Support services. Community Access, Accommodation, Daily support and Support connections and Coordination. We understand the importance of delivering a culturally safe and competent service to ensure fair and equitable access to all.
General Aboriginal Services
Tiddas In Business - FREE Business Workshops
MurawinThe Tiddas in Business program is a series of culturally appropriate business activities that introduce entrepreneurship, business, & leadership skills. The activities are led by Indigenous Businesswomen who provide insights, strategies, tools & resources for starting and growing business.
Metro North Hospital And Health ServiceAdis has operated for over 30 years as Queensland’s first port of call for anyone with alcohol and drug concerns. We are a 24 hour, 7 day a week confidential support service offering support for people in Queensland with alcohol and other drug concerns, their loved ones and health professionals.
Audiology - Vida Percy Audiologists - Australia
Cherbourg Regional Aboriginal and Islander Community Controlled Health ServicesProvides Audiology across various regions of Queensland.(Provided by Vida Percy Audiologists - Australia)
Beemar Yumba Aboriginal Children's Hostel
Beemar Yumba Aboriginal Childrens HostelBeemar Yumba Aboriginal Children's Hostel is a residential care service funded by the Department of Child Safety for children and young people between the ages of 5 and 15 years requiring "Out of Home Care" due to statutory intervention or parental agreement; all children and young people must be referred to to the hostel by the Department of Child Safety
Beyond Blue Ltd
Beyond BlueWe all have good days and bad days. Then there are those days when something isn't quite right, you've got something on your mind, or things just seem too much.
Centacare - Murri Ministry
CentacareMurri Ministry provides pastoral and spiritual assistance consistent with Aboriginal culture and tradition.
Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council
Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire CouncilThe history of Cherbourg is one of Aboriginal people being forcibly removed and brought from all over Queensland and Northern New South Wales to a newly formed government reserve.
Cherbourg Historical Precinct Group
The Ration Shed provides the opportunity to experience how life was and is, in our dynamic Aboriginal community, Cherbourg. Within the precinct visitors can view archival films, hear the stories of our elders and look at photographic displays and old documents that relate to our lives and our history.
Chiropractor - Kingaroy Chiropractic
Cherbourg Regional Aboriginal and Islander Community Controlled Health ServicesProvides Chiropractor, Optometry, and Optometry Student across various regions of Queensland. (Multiple Providers)
Cherbourg Regional Aboriginal and Islander Community Controlled Health ServicesAvailable to every patient of CRAICCHS who has a current 715 Health check—discuss with your doctor for a referral.
Diabetes Education
Cherbourg Regional Aboriginal and Islander Community Controlled Health ServicesOur Diabetes Educator will share with you information specific to your situation and can provide ongoing support as you learn more about what this diagnosis means for you.
Cherbourg Regional Aboriginal and Islander Community Controlled Health ServicesA Dietitian visits from Vital Health program two days per month—check our calendar to see when they are next at CRAICCHS.
Indigenous Allied Health Australia (IAHA)
Indigenous Allied Health AustraliaIndigenous Allied Health Australia (IAHA) is a national, member-based Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander allied health organisation. IAHA leads sector workforce development and support to improve the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.