Youth Accommodation Services in Gold Coast
Youth Accommodation Services
Assist People
Assist People works within the NDIS as a Disability and Youth Support Provider, Servicing the Gold Coast, Logan City and Scenic Rim Regions. We partner with Participants, Carers, Health Care Professionals, Plan Managers and Support Coordinators to offer Quality Support Worker Services
Youth Accommodation Services
CYC Burleigh
Christian Youth CampsAccommodation for up to 130 guests in dormitory style cabins (8-10 people). Activities: canoeing, surfing, tubing, raft building, body boarding, fishing, movie nights, dance parties.
Burleigh Heads
Youth Accommodation Services
Gold Coast Youth Service (GCYS)
Gold Coast Youth Service Inc.Youth Accommodation Service provides externally supported shared accommodation for up to 12 months. Assistance and follow up support in securing and maintaining accommodation upon exit.
Youth Accommodation Services
Goldilocks Community Health
We are a Registered NDIS provider who provides care and housing options. Our current housing services are STA, MTA and SILS with our own team of dedicated support workers that make everyday a fun day. Our services and models of care include support coordination, youth for youth community and social participation, employment supports and our psycho social recovery mental health team.
Youth Accommodation Services
Salvation Army Employment Plus - Burleigh Heads
The Salvation ArmyYOS offers six one bedroom transitional housing units to youth aged 16 to 20 yo. YOS also supports young men aged 18 to 25 yo in the Pindari complex.
Burleigh Heads
Youth Accommodation Services
Salvation Army Employment Plus - Mermaid Beach
The Salvation ArmyYOS offers six one bedroom transitional housing units to youth aged 16 to 20 yr old. YOS also supports young men aged 18 to 25 yr old in the Pindari complex.
Mermaid Beach
Youth Accommodation Services
The Salvation Army - Coomera
The Salvation ArmyYOS offers six one bedroom transitional housing units to youth aged 16 to 20 yo. YOS also supports young men aged 18 to 25 yo in the Pindari complex.
Upper Coomera
Youth Accommodation Services
Edwin care support services
Edwin Care support services focuses in growing community and ensuring everyone is playing a part towards community integration and growth, we offer range of services including general Youth and disability support, we provide residential care support as well ensuring that our clients rights and interest and protected and secured while providing the adequate service needed to help encourage growth
Youth Accommodation Services
Mercy Community Family and Child Connect - Browns Plains
Mercy CommunityConnect to the right support to get back on track. For children to develop and grow in healthy and positive ways, they need life to be stable, even when their family faces tough times. If you feel that you’ve lost your way or been side-tracked, Family and Child Connect can give you a hand to get back on track. It’s confidential, free and worth the call. Access to interpreters is available.