Performing Arts & Music in Gold Coast
Performing Arts & Music
"Pure Milonguero" Classic Argentine Tango Milonga
Argentine Tango ClassesDance classes Argentine Tango every Friday night. Social atmosphere. Couples and singles from 17 - over 70 years.
Clear Island Waters
Performing Arts & Music
4CRB 89.3FM Community Billboard
4CRB 89.3FMA non-profit community broadcasting station owned and operated by Gold Coast Christian and Community Broadcasting Association Limited playing easy listening music. Number 1 station for Gold Coast 50+ homeowners. Talk back programs most mornings.
Burleigh Heads
Performing Arts & Music
Australia's Unique Cuban Culture & Spirit the sea! Afrekete is Community Organisation that promotes authentic Cuban culture in Australia through our annual events as well as workshops leading up to the main events. Starting with an Opening Ceremony with cultural exchange from local Indigenous Elders and our Afro-Cuban team performing drumming and dance & a weekend of workshops.
Performing Arts & Music
Afro Groove
African drum and dance classes for beginners to experienced. Great for coordination, team building and enhancing the sense of rhythm. Exhilarating, fun, expressive and athletic workout. Regular classes, workshops, performances and specialised programs.
Performing Arts & Music
Australian Society for Keyboard Music
Promotion of classical music and assistance to students to further their potential as pianists. Concerts and piano competitions. Entries welcome for 7th Open Piano Competition June 2014
Performing Arts & Music
BigStar Circus
We at Big Star Circus School are committed to training and supporting ambitious young Cirque performers. We aim to support and uplift them so they can join our Big Star Professional team and develop into outstanding performers!
Performing Arts & Music
Bodybeats - dance fusion
Provides affordable, fun and rewarding dance fit and hip hop dance classes at Southport Community Centre in its purpose built dance studio..
Southport, Gold Coast
Performing Arts & Music
Coast Acoustics
Inspire and encourage people of all ages to participate in acoustic music through open mic, jam sessions and workshops, concerts and music festivals. Contact Leonie or see website for details.
Performing Arts & Music
Coomera Anglican College
Primary / Secondary campuses / Early Learning Centre.
Performing Arts & Music
Michael JayMichael Jay provides entertainment to retirement homes, over 50'svillages and aged care facilities.
Performing Arts & Music
Footings Dance Studio - Ormeau
Footings Dance StudioFootings Dance Studio. A Dance School with a difference! Our aim is to create opportunities for students of all abilities to enjoy the art of dance.
Performing Arts & Music
Friends of Music of The Southport School
The Southport SchoolPromotion and presentation of quality music for The Southport School. Conducts concerts. Band, strings and choral. Ring for details of meeting times.
Performing Arts & Music
Friends of Opera Inc
Workshop and viewing for opera lovers on third Sunday of the month from 11am to 4pm at the Griffith University School of Engineering Lecture Theatre in Labrador/Parkwood. Bring your own lunch. Tea, coffee and biscuits provided.
Performing Arts & Music
Gold Coast City Brass Band Inc
Practice Wed 7.30-9.30pm at Peter Panitz Band Shell, 12 Mick Veivers Way, Owen Park, Southport. Music tuition in brass and drums for all ages available; also ensembles. Great performance experience for young musicians. All ages welcome.
Performing Arts & Music
Gold Coast City Choir Inc
The Gold Coast City ChoirCommunity Choir. Largest mixed voice community choir in the region singing four part harmony. We have been actively involved in the Gold Coast community since 1969.
Performing Arts & Music
Gold Coast City Jazz Club
Concerts held at Southport Yacht Club. Promotes, mentors and provides performance opportunities for youth jazz on the coast. Visit website for concert performance dates.
Performing Arts & Music
Gold Coast Country Music Club
Country Music Club, to allow members to develop skills in singing and playing instruments, in the Country Music Genre. Walk up artists, welcomed. Thursdays 7.30 pm and and Tuesdays 1.00 pm practice 30th March, 22nd & 27th April, 20th and 25th May. Please phone Eve for more information 0412 054 188
Mermaid Beach
Performing Arts & Music
Gold Coast Dancing
Join us to learn Scottish Country Dancing. It's a wonderful opportunity to make new friends, exercise the body and mind, reduce stress and have fun. We meet at 42 Matilda Street, Burleigh Heads Thursdays nights from 7pm until 9pm. No partner necessary, just wear soft sole shoes and bring your enthusiasm. If you would like to come & have a look or start straight away please call Tina on 0423598061
Burleigh Heads
Performing Arts & Music
Gold Coast Eisteddfod
Organises, co-ordinates the Gold Coast Eisteddfod in August / September for music, dance, speech and drama for children and young adults with special needs.
Performing Arts & Music
Gold Coast Festival Chorale
Sing, great fun, professional tuition. All adults welcome. Meet on Mon at 7.15 pm-9.30pm at Peter Panitz Band Rooms, Owen Park, Queen St, Southport. New members welcome. Inexperienced welcome. Free.