General Cultural Groups
About Us
Social Enterprise delivering culturally relevant and safe services based on Nesian values to serve community needs. Located in Brisbane, Queensland.
We're passionate Nesian community development workers dedicated to advancing the health & wellbeing of all our community members based on Nesian values.
Ma whero, Ma pango, Ka oti ngai mahi.
With red and with the black, the work will be done.
NesiANZ Services is a for profit company trading as: NesiANZ Consultancy, NesiANZ Events, NesiANZ Community Development & Healing NesiANZ. Currently our charity is being developed (Te Whare NesiANZ).
We adopt the "Nga Huanga o te Whare" (traditional Maori model of holistic health & wellbeing) as our Operational Framework. This consists in achieving optimal health & wellbeing in:
- Taha Hinengaro- mental health
- Taha Wairua-spiritual health
- Taha Tinana-physical health
- Taha Whanau-family health, &
- Taha Whenua- environmental health
Our values as a social enterprise are:
- Tika- respecting all cultures & acting in a culturally appropriate and safe manner
- Mana- maintaining our integrity as an organisation and as individuals
- Pono- ensuring that “we say what we mean, and mean what we say” as an organisation and as individuals
- Whanaungatanga- treating all clients, staff & associates as family
Nau te rourou, Naaku te rourou, Ka ora ai ngai tangata.
With your basket, With my basket, Together we will sustain the people.
Quick Facts About The Region
Extra Information
Referral Required Contact us for details
Online Service Yes
Phone Service Yes
Accessible By Anyone
Access Fee Contact us for details
Age Ranges All ages
Languages Maori,Samoan,Spanish,Castellano,Tongan,Niuean,Fijian,Cook Island Maori,Papua New Guinea
Volunteer Notes
We seek those who align with our values & vision. In order to deliver free and/or low cost programs & activities for our community we will need volunteers to assist. Please contact us if this resonates with you.
Advocacy, Alternative Health, Carer support, Community Group, Coordination of supports, Cultural Discrimination, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities, Disability, Disability Support Services, Education, Education Information, Families, Family Support, Genealogy, Health and Wellbeing, High Needs, Holistic, Indigenous, Justice, Juvenile Justice, LGBTQIA+, Mentoring, Migrant, NDIS, NDIS Coordination of Supports, NDIS Improved Daily Living Skills, NDIS Improved Health and Wellbeing, NDIS Improved Learning, NDIS Improved Life Choices, NDIS Improved Relationships, NDIS Increased Social and Community Participation, NDIS Provider - Not Registered, Peer Support, Public Speaking, Specialist coordination of supports, Spiritual Counselling, Support & Referrals, Supports connection, Supports coordination, Volunteering, Welfare, Workshops
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The vision of NesiANZ Services is as wide, diverse & all encompassing as that of the Nesian community it serves. Essentially we seek optimum success & health in ALL areas of life for society by building upon the strengths, talents & beauty of indigenous Nesian knowledge, culture & values. Applying a strengths based approach, working collaboratively and being founded deeply upon our cultural values, NesiANZ Services seeks to build the capacity of all Nesians in Australia, New Zealand and the world.