Private (Primary and High Schools)
Ipswich Flexible Learning Centre
Flexible Learning
Service Change
Closed for Friday to Monday 7/03/25 - 10/03/25
About Us
EREA is committed to creating an environment in which the Safety wellbeing and participation of all children and young people are paramount.
History and Philosophy
Ipswich Flexible Learning Centre (IFLC) is an educational space that aims to respond to and support the needs of young people who experience complexities in their lives to continue their journey in education. IFLC is a secondary school that caters for young people in years 7 to 12 from Ipswich and surrounding areas. Initially IFLC was established as part of Edmund Rice Education Australia as a mobile Outreach Programme from another FLC, Centre Education Programme, in 2006. The Outreach programme offered opportunities to build trusting relationships and educational pathways for young people of Ipswich wanting to engage in flexible learning choices. The need for this programme grew and the start of 2012 saw IFLC moving to its current location in Queen Victoria Parade. IFLC became an accredited school within Edmund Rice Education Australia Flexible Schools Networks (EREAFSN). Since its inception IFLC has provided young people with a safe and supportive environment to engage in socially inclusive education. A commitment by young people and adults to the operation by principles of Respect, Honesty, Participation and Safe and Legal, has created a holistic learning environment offering relevant and meaningful learning choices for young people. Social and emotional needs of young people are recognised and young people are supported to develop key academic skills. Young people are empowered to develop autonomy in their own lives and take responsibility for their learning and educational goals.
Ipswich Flexible Learning Centre offers an inclusive and holistic learning environment, which aims to promote the educational goals and wellbeing of young people. Learning groups are small with a focus on literacy and numeracy skills embedded in young person directed and negotiated curriculum. The curriculum framework draws from the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) and the Australian Curriculum. It provides numerous educational opportunities for young people including those in Literacy and Numeracy – being able to attain Cert 1 & 2 in Functional Literacy.
Other Certificates presently offered are:
Access to Vocational Pathways (Cert 1), Visual Art (Cert 1), Music Industry (Cert 2), and Information Digital Media and Technology (Cert 1). Practical hands-on skills and experiences can be gained through electives including wood and mental work, cooking, art, basic computing, music, singing, band playing, game making, craft, hobby modelling, fishing, recreation sports, and water sports.
Community Engagement and Wellbeing:
Community participation is evident with key agencies of Ipswich and surrounding areas including Headspace, CHYMS, PCYC, ICYS and Kambu, Apprenticeship Queensland. The school offers life and social skills through adventure based learning and school camps. Recent camps have included “the Great Southern Trip” (week round trip to Canberra and back), bi-yearly week long camp in the Carnarvon Gorge, various camps from 2 to 5 nights at Caloundra camp grounds, camps in Somerset. They provide support for young peoples’ health and wellbeing.
Extra Information
Accessible By Anyone
Age Ranges All ages