Literacy & Numeracy Programs

Read & Write

Read & Write

Brassall QLD 4305

0434 389 717


* See below for changes to our opening hours

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About Us

READ and Write LTD

Vision:  Create confidence and self-esteem through learning to read and write and unlock the endless possibilities that this will bring.

Mission: To support individuals, families, and schools by providing remedial reading and literacy instruction, in line with current Government curriculum guidelines. To provide tangible, recorded results that meet public expectations.

About Us:

My name is Ash Davis and I am the founder and General Manager of ‘Read & Write’ LTD., a Not-for-Profit organisation committed to alleviating the stigma that illiteracy places on individuals.

I am currently completing my Masters of Education specialising in Reading and Literacy and have been working in the training/teaching realm for over 14 years. During this time I have seen many literacy programs come and go, most of these making little impact on Australia’s literacy statistics.

This is what I and my organisation want to change.

Working alongside schools, Job Actives, Disability support Providers and Councils and Government, I want to close the cracks that our children, teenagers and eventually adults, fall through on a daily basis, through early identification of learning difficulties and early intervention. And where this is not possible, provide a means by which Australians of any age can regain their self-esteem and live a confident life with endless possibilities.

I am not attempting to reinvent the wheel, or to use unfounded means with which to achieve my organisations aim. Using structured, evidence-based teaching, by realising that people are different, learn differently and at different rates, I will provide:

  1. Effective remedial reading and writing instruction for individuals.
  2. Literacy  and reading workshops 
  3. Numeracy workshops 
  4. Professional development workshops for organisations and individuals


Quick Facts About The Region

Read & Write is located in the suburb of Brassall, the council of Ipswich, the state electorate of Ipswich West and the federal electorate of Blair.