Acute and Specialists Care

Mental health service

About Us

Alcohol and drug counselling services, day programs and ongoing support for people to prevent relapse is provided at our service hub in Beenleigh. We also offer these services in Beaudesert. We provide case management and wrap around support to ensure people get the help they need and address underlying problems such as homelessness, unemployment and mental health concerns.

Our Brisbane South team also provides the Breakthrough for Families program, with individual support as well as community drug and alcohol education evenings.

Breakthrough For Families

Breakthrough For Families supports families of people with problematic substance use (with specialised support for methamphetamines/ice) to be empowered to make positive changes through information, education and support. The services offered are free public information sessions, and/or individual brief intensive support.

Our Breakthrough For Families teams understand the need to be flexible and will work with you to deliver services at a suitable time and location. Breakthrough For Families is free and confidential. It operates independently from the child protection system. To chat about how we can help and for more information, just give us a call on 1300 727 957.

Quick Facts About The Region

Lives Lived Well - Beenleigh is located in the suburb of Beenleigh, the council of Logan, the state electorate of Macalister and the federal electorate of Forde.