Food Vans and Kitchens in Ipswich
Food Vans and Kitchens
Community Compassion
Ipswich Foodbarn, The Lion and the Lamb Community Centre 1 Darling Street East, WOODEND QLD 4305 We provide a listening ear / Food Hampers ($30) with once off membership fee $5 and some Homeless meals.
Woodend, Ipswich
Food Vans and Kitchens
Helping Hands Queensland
HELPING HANDS (QLD) PTY LTDWe provide: Hotdogs or soup depending on the time of year, sandwiches, fresh produce, grocery packs, tea, coffee & milo, Bibles, other donated items and friendship. 6.40pm: Denmark Guest House, 40 Waghorn Street, Ipswich 7pm: Carrington Guest House, Murphy street, Ipswich 7.20pm: 7 Milford street, Ipswich Every Tuesday night in Ipswich, Queensland.
Food Vans and Kitchens
Keep The Faith-Helping homeless in Ipswich
Feeding homeless & those in need, every Monday from 5pm at Queens Park Ipswich. Hot meal, dessert + tea, coffee, milo + free clothes, food & toiletries given out. Everyone is welcome.
Food Vans and Kitchens
Lend a Hand to Ipswich homeless
We provide a BBQ and home cooked meals every second Saturday in the month. Anyone is welcome to come along. Browns Park, North Ipswich from 6pm.
North Ipswich