General Ageing Services in Livingstone
General Ageing Services
Livebetter Community Services - Emu Park
LiveBetter Community ServicesExcelcare provides in-home services to the frail aged, and people with disabilities in the Livingstone Shire and Rockhampton to assist these people to maintain their independence.
Emu Park
General Ageing Services
Acorn Stairlifts - All Queensland
Acorn StairliftsAn Acorn Stairlift gives you a safe, comfortable and simple way to get up and down your stairs. Each Acorn Stairlift is tailor-made to suit your individual home and lifestyle. Suitable for Permanently Injured, Aged, Disabled, Adults and Children. If stairs are difficult - we can assist. Stay in your home, your community, with your adored carers. Available under NDIS, My Aged Care, CHSP, DVA.
General Ageing Services
Acorn Stairlifts
We supply and install stairlifts in private residences and commercial properties to enable the user to safely navigate the staircase. We are the only direct manufacturers in Australia and can install with 7 - 10 days. Our stairlift is the slimmest on the market, we have everything in stock in our warehouse in O'Connor and have a number of of demonstration lifts to view.
General Ageing Services
Bloom Foundations
Since 2018 Bloom Foundations have been providing community services throughout the Central Qld region as an independent provider, specialising in whole-person integrated supports. We are passionate about working alongside people & supporting them to lead their own way.
General Ageing Services
Community Visitors Scheme
St John QldThe St John Community Visitors Scheme is about building companionship and friendship for older people who may be socially isolated, lonely, or unable to get out and about often.
General Ageing Services
Council On The Ageing Queensland
A statewide not for profit organisation advancing the rights, needs and futures of people as we age.
General Ageing Services
Daily Living Products - Wanneroo
Daily Living ProductsYour local mobility, assistive living & daily living aids retailer. NDIS registered provider
General Ageing Services
Daily Safety Check-in Call
Care Calling NowMost people have a parent or grandparents. Are you one of them? Our clients are children like you who are WORRIED about a Loved One, Help I've fallen & can't get up. WE HELP people know that all is well we check-in with a care call every day
General Ageing Services
Delta Therapy Dogs
Delta Therapy Dogs is a national non-profit organisation. Our various therapy dog programs include visits to aged care homes, hospitals, mental health facilities, dementia wards, palliative care, disability services, health clinics, schools, correctional facilities and workplaces. Our volunteer teams brighten the lives of approximately 20,000 people around Australia each week.
General Ageing Services
Disability and Aged Care Providers
Home CaringWhen you are looking for quality care in the home for a relative, you need to find the provider that supports every single one of your loved one’s needs. We recognise every individual as the unique person that they are, and it’s why we avoid a solution that is “one size fits all”. Not sure where to start? We’re here to help.
General Ageing Services
Elder Abuse Prevention Unit
The Elder Abuse Prevention Unit (EAPU) is a Queensland wide program provided by UnitingCare Community and funded by the Department of Communities, Child Safety & Disability Services.
General Ageing Services
Focused Health Care
FOCUSED HEALTH CARE PTY. LTD.Here at Focused Health Care we offer a wide range of services to make your home comfortable and manageable again. We aim to do so by providing you with the personalised home care you deserve.
General Ageing Services
FoodSt provides a wide range of easy to reheat, home cooked meals made by our community of local, accredited cooks. Over 100 meal options from 26 cuisines, all handmade by our cooks in small batches and to traditional family recipes. Meals are pre-made, frozen and delivered to your door.
General Ageing Services
Home Visiting Services
St John QldEnjoy the company of others and improve your social connections.
General Ageing Services
Inclusee Ltd
Our mission is to use the power of connection to reduce isolation and loneliness for Australians. At Inclusee connection is at the core of everything we do. We connect people to friends, family, interests, cultures and events. Our cutting-edge programs are delivered by our specially trained volunteers to provide companionship and comfort to our community participants.
General Ageing Services
National Dementia Help Line
Dementia Help LineThe National Dementia Helpline is a free telephone service that provides information and advice to: people living with dementia. people concerned about changes to memory and thinking. people living with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)
General Ageing Services
Rockhampton 60 & Better Program
Rockhampton 60 & Better Program Inc60 and Better Programs are community organisations sponsored by Queensland Health. The primary objective is the promotion of health and well being of people over the age of 50. Designed and managed for older people by older people with the assistance of a coordinator, the Rockhampton Program offers a wide-ranging diversity of experiences including: low impact exercise activities, cards and ...
General Ageing Services
SALT Directory - Senior & Aged care Living Transition Directory
Kx2 Management GroupSALT (Senior & Aged care Living Transition) Directory provides a central location to easily find businesses and services that help support families and their loved ones to transition to retirement villages or aged care. The Directory members are vetted to ensure they operate with the right intent and provide services with care, compassion and empathy.
General Ageing Services
Suncare Community Services- Rockhampton
Suncare Community ServicesSuncare prides itself on working compassionately and genuinely listening to the needs of individuals, carers and family members. Our aim is to identify their own strengths, goals and aspirations, and to address their needs in timely and creative ways.
General Ageing Services
Tech help for seniors - Life skills for youngsters!
Youngster.coWe provide digital education for seniors and create jobs for youngsters. We bring generations together!