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Visit the Lockyer Valley Community Directory

Mulgowie, Queensland

Upcoming Events in Lockyer Valley

Mulgowie image

Discover the charm of Mulgowie, just 12 kilometers south of Laidley! Famous for its real farmers' market and the beloved Mulgowie Hotel. The name itself, derived from the Aboriginal Mt Mulgowie, hints at the scenic 'big round hill' surroundings. Don't miss the Mulgowie Farmers' Markets on the first Saturday of the month at Mulgowie Hall Grounds—a trip-worthy experience. The Mulgowie Hotel, aka 'the mulga', hosts annual outback bull ride events and boasts a fantastic family-friendly outdoor dining area. Plus, enjoy pet-friendly camping at the community hall grounds. Take a drive through lush farmland and where your veggies grow in the heart of Mulgowie. For a scenic country drive, head up to Thornton, or make a must-visit stop at Cedar Gully Olive Farm for their annual Fire in the Grove event.

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