Aboriginal Health Services in Logan
Aboriginal Health Services
Accredited Exercise Physiology (AEP)
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service BrisbaneAEP’s are allied health professionals who use movement and exercise to help with the prevention and management of chronic disease and injuries.
Waterford West
Aboriginal Health Services
Allied Health
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service BrisbaneWe have a range of allied health professionals and specialists who work in our clinics. Allied health staff work closely with the Aboriginal health workers, doctors and nurses at our clinics to make sure you get the best possible care.
Aboriginal Health Services
ATSICHS - Browns Plains Medical Clinic
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service BrisbaneSupports health and wellbeing in the local community.
Browns Plains
Aboriginal Health Services
Audiology (hearing)
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service BrisbaneAudiology is the allied health profession devoted to hearing and balance. Audiologists promote early hearing loss detection and intervention to help you maintain good communication across your lifespan.
Waterford West
Aboriginal Health Services
Child & Family Centre
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service BrisbaneOur Child and Family Centre provides a community space with a range of services, working with our families to support you and your kids.
Waterford West
Aboriginal Health Services
Deadly Kindy Jajumbora
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service BrisbaneKindy is a deadly choice. Our Deadly Kindys set children up for success in their transition to school.
Waterford West
Aboriginal Health Services
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service BrisbaneA deadly smile is a healthy smile We provide a wide range of dental services at our Woolloongabba and Logan dental clinics and from our mobile van located at the Murri School.
Waterford West
Aboriginal Health Services
Edwin care support services
Edwin Care support services focuses in growing community and ensuring everyone is playing a part towards community integration and growth, we offer range of services including general Youth and disability support, we provide residential care support as well ensuring that our clients rights and interest and protected and secured while providing the adequate service needed to help encourage growth
Aboriginal Health Services
Jajumbora Midwifery Hub
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service BrisbaneWe provide free midwife support from pregnancy through to parenthood.
Waterford West
Aboriginal Health Services
Jimbelunga Nursing Centre
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service BrisbaneJimbelunga has been providing an extensive range of aged health care and support services in the community for the past 25 years. Here at Jimbelunga Nursing Centre we believe that every person who needs care and support should expect high standards of care, safety and service, delivered with empathy and professionalism.
Aboriginal Health Services
Logan Dental Clinic
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service BrisbaneWe provide a wide range of dental services at our Woolloongabba and Logan dental clinics and from our mobile van located at the Murri School.
Aboriginal Health Services
Medical Clinics
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service BrisbaneWe provide a comprehensive range of medical and clinical services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in Brisbane, Logan and the surrounding region. Our health services are provided by a dedicated team of doctors, nurses, health professionals and administrative personnel.
Waterford West
Aboriginal Health Services
Medical Clinic
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service BrisbaneWe provide a comprehensive range of medical and clinical services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in Brisbane, Logan and the surrounding region. Our health services are provided by a dedicated team of doctors, nurses, health professionals and administrative personnel.
Browns Plains
Aboriginal Health Services
Medical Clinic
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service BrisbaneWe provide a comprehensive range of medical and clinical services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in Brisbane, Logan and the surrounding region. Our health services are provided by a dedicated team of doctors, nurses, health professionals and administrative personnel.
Aboriginal Health Services
Medical Clinic
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service BrisbaneWe provide a comprehensive range of medical and clinical services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in Brisbane, Logan and the surrounding region. Our health services are provided by a dedicated team of doctors, nurses, health professionals and administrative personnel.
Aboriginal Health Services
Right At Home Greater Logan
Right At HomeWe support people living with complex and post-operative care needs, dementia and cognitive decline, seniors, and adults living with a disability including NDIS participants.
Shailer Park
Aboriginal Health Services
Social Health
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service BrisbaneNo shame in talkin’ about it! If you’re not feeling as good as you know you should, you may need to yarn to someone. We’re here to help!
Logan Central
Aboriginal Health Services
Social Health
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service BrisbaneNo shame in talkin’ about it! If you’re not feeling as good as you know you should, you may need to yarn to someone. We’re here to help!
Browns Plains
Aboriginal Health Services
Social Health
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service BrisbaneNo shame in talkin’ about it! If you’re not feeling as good as you know you should, you may need to yarn to someone.
Aboriginal Health Services
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service BrisbaneOur transport service helps clients to attend medical appointments, treatment or tests who have no other means of transport when family or close friends are not able to assist.
Browns Plains