Seniors Clubs & Social Groups in Logan
Seniors Clubs & Social Groups
Brisbane Star Trek & Sci Fi Alliance
A great club to socialize and make friends!
Seniors Clubs & Social Groups
Cadillacs and Classics Club
Autumn Leaves Entertainment GroupBrian Kay, Gold Medal Chorus member, of Autumn Leaves group singing songs from 50s 60s 70s at retirement venues Brisbane south to northern Gold Coast Phone Brian on 0411564864 for bookings. A donation of as little as fifty dollars is all that is needed for a show. Phone Brian on 0411564864 for bookings.
Seniors Clubs & Social Groups
Flagstone Blokes - Flagstone
Flagstone BlokesMens group looking after men's welfare through comradeship
Seniors Clubs & Social Groups
Kingston East Occasional Childcare
Kingston East Neighbourhood Group IncThe Kingston East Neighbourhood Group provides a number of services to the community.
Seniors Clubs & Social Groups
Logan & District Orchid Society
To promote the knowledge and advancement of all that pertains to orchids including their natural history, propagation and cultivation. To encourage and support the culture and conservation of orchids, generally, in horticulture, and in their native habitat.
Logan Central
Seniors Clubs & Social Groups
Logan Central Community Centre
Clubs include indoor bowls, garden club, autumn years, learn-a-craft, orchid society, yoga, zumba gold and computer club.
Logan Central
Seniors Clubs & Social Groups
Logan City Garden Club Inc.
We love our plants and flowers! Join us! We are a friendly social group.
Logan Central
Seniors Clubs & Social Groups
Logan City Marine Modellers
Logan City Marine Modellers IncVisitors are encouraged to come along and enjoy the camaraderie of like-minded enthusiasts, learn about the aspects of the hobby and if you want try your hand at sailing one of the clubs boats would be available for you to try. Members of the club would be availabe to help and instruct you.
Waterford West
Seniors Clubs & Social Groups
Logan Food Gardeners
Logan Food Gardeners is an online and offline food gardening community. If you are interested in food gardening and you enjoy meeting others who do to, then you are going to love Logan Food Gardeners! Logan Food Gardeners is a club that allows people, who love food gardening, to connect both on and then off the internet.
Seniors Clubs & Social Groups
Logan River Branch SGAP Qld Region Inc
Logan River branch meetings are held outdoors at a local national park, council reserve or botanic gardens, or at a branch member's house where members are able to visit their garden. The branch meeting can also include a talk from a guest speaker.
Browns Plains
Seniors Clubs & Social Groups
Logan Seniors Musicians & Singers club
Logan Seniors Musicians & Singers club Inc.? “Logan Seniors Musicians & Singers Club” ? is to be a not-for-profit Incorporated Club which will enable Senior Citizens who are either amateurs or professionals, to get together to play and sing "live" within a social club environment so as to retain and build upon their skills and increase their knowledge of all things musical.
Seniors Clubs & Social Groups
National Seniors Australia - Browns Plains Branch
National Seniors AustraliaNational Seniors is a membership based, not for profit organisation, representing all older Australians. It has members and branch meetings Australia wide, and is a powerful lobby force at all levels of government on issues affecting older Australians.
Seniors Clubs & Social Groups
National Seniors Australia - Rochedale/Springwood Branch
National Seniors AustraliaNational Seniors is a membership based, not for profit organisation, representing all older Australians. It has members and branch meetings Australia wide, and is a powerful lobby force at all levels of government on issues affecting older Australians.
Seniors Clubs & Social Groups
Palliative Aid for Logan Services (PALS)
Palliative Aid For Logan Services Inc.PALS meets the financial gap in the essential medical/living requirements for Logan seniors and others receiving palliative care.
Logan Central
Seniors Clubs & Social Groups
Parkview Gardens Retirement Village - Slacks Creek
Parkview Gardens Retirement VillageOur village are friendly and safe environments where you can enjoy independ retirement living and personable service. Slacks Creek has multiple transport links providing quick and easy access to the surrounding coastal, rural and urban areas. The local shopping precincts also offer an abundance of choice right on your doorstep. One Bedroom unit with meals if required. Community shopping bus.
Slacks Creek
Seniors Clubs & Social Groups
Quirky Quilts Qld
THE QUIRKY QUILTING COThe Quirky Quilting Co. is a specialist quilting and patchwork shop in Springwood, Logan City. We are a family owned business dedicated to supporting the sewing and quilting communities of Logan City and beyond.
Seniors Clubs & Social Groups
Right At Home Greater Logan
Right At HomeWe support people living with complex and post-operative care needs, dementia and cognitive decline, seniors, and adults living with a disability including NDIS participants.
Shailer Park
Seniors Clubs & Social Groups
Senior Citizens - Bethania
The Bethania Senior Citizens activities include concerts and games. They also hold picnics and bus trips. A small annual fee applies and they are wheelchair accessible.
Seniors Clubs & Social Groups
Senior Citizens - Woodridge
Woodridge Senior Citizens Club IncWoodridge Senior Citizens club has bingo, line dancing and have concerts twice a month. Wednesday once a fortnight for club day, and every Thursday for Bingo at 10.00am.
Seniors Clubs & Social Groups
Social outings
TransitCare - Community FlyerHome visits, social functions. day trips, lunch dates, centre based activities