Child (and Parent) Information & Counselling in Logan
Child (and Parent) Information & Counselling
Accoras ParentsNext - Brisbane South East Region
AccorasAccoras is proud to deliver ParentsNext, a free specialised support service that helps parents with children under six to plan and prepare for their future employment.
Child (and Parent) Information & Counselling
Communities for Children
The Trustee For The Salvation Army (Qld) Social WorkCommunities for Children, Logan works with Community Partners and organisations to ensure the best support for parents with children. Communities for Children can be contacted by email at:
Slacks Creek
Child (and Parent) Information & Counselling
Counsellor & Clinical Supervisor
Family Therapy Parenting support Caring and Qualified Registered Counselling Professional - Health Insurance rebates available* Counselling - Individuals and couples NDIS referrals welcomed *Private Health Insurance rebate may be available for eligible policy members Clinical Supervision.
Child (and Parent) Information & Counselling
Family Relationship Centre - Logan
UnitingCareMediation service for separated parents around children's matters.
Logan Central
Child (and Parent) Information & Counselling
HIPPY Program - Slacks Creek
Kingston East Neighbourhood Group IncHIPPY is a two-year (60-week) home-based early childhood enrichment program. HIPPY helps parents learn many new things by preparing them for school, building their self-esteem and confidence in learning. Families taking part receive a set of activity packs and books designed to help their child's learning.
Slacks Creek
Child (and Parent) Information & Counselling
Hurrandi Counselling
Our goal is to help people overcoming life's obstacles by offering them professional, courteous, and approachable mental health support. Regardless of origin or situation, we are committed to creating a compassionate and safe environment where anybody can start their journey towards self-discovery, healing, and personal development. Open Mon-Sat
Child (and Parent) Information & Counselling
Kingston East Occasional Childcare
Kingston East Neighbourhood Group IncThe Kingston East Neighbourhood Group provides a number of services to the community.
Child (and Parent) Information & Counselling
Loganholme Early Learning
Under New Ownership since September 2022! Our new programs know how to ignite a passion for learning, inspiring children to be curious, self-motivated, and enthusiastic participants in their education. We pride ourselves on provision of excellence in care and education for children from 6 weeks of age to 5 years.
Child (and Parent) Information & Counselling
Mercy Community Family and Child Connect - Browns Plains
Mercy CommunityConnect to the right support to get back on track. For children to develop and grow in healthy and positive ways, they need life to be stable, even when their family faces tough times. If you feel that you’ve lost your way or been side-tracked, Family and Child Connect can give you a hand to get back on track. It’s confidential, free and worth the call. Access to interpreters is available.
Browns Plains
Child (and Parent) Information & Counselling
Need support raising children?
YFSWe can support families through challenging times.
Slacks Creek
Child (and Parent) Information & Counselling
The Benevolent Society - Browns Plains
The Benevolent SocietyEarly Years Centres are a one-stop-shop child and family hub offering free services. Families can access quality information and support around parenting, child development, child behaviour and health for them and their children. This service is available for families with children from conceptionl to 8 years of age.
Child (and Parent) Information & Counselling
The Benevolent Society - Logan Family and Child Connect
The Benevolent SocietyFamily and Child Connect is a local, community-based service that helps families to care for and protect their children at home, by connecting them to the right services at the right time.
Child (and Parent) Information & Counselling
The Family Place
The Salvation Army (Qld) Property TrustThe Family Place provides a friendly, welcoming environment where all families are invited to take part in free activities and where all cultures are respected. To see what activities are currently on offer, check out our What's On at
Child (and Parent) Information & Counselling
UnitingCare - Beenleigh
UnitingCareReferral for Active Intervention (RAI) Family Support Service Beenleigh
Child (and Parent) Information & Counselling
UnitingCare - Logan Central
UnitingCareLogan Family Relationship Centre
Logan Central
Child (and Parent) Information & Counselling
UnitingCare - Underwood
UnitingCareHelping out Families Initiative
Child (and Parent) Information & Counselling
Accoras You.nique - South Brisbane
AccorasFree outreach support for children aged 0 - 18 who might be showing early signs or symptoms of a mental health concern. Accoras is funded by the Department of Social Services to provide this support to children and young people in the South Brisbane catchment.
Child (and Parent) Information & Counselling
Atlas Therapy and Coaching
Play Therapy, Behaviour Support and Parent Coaching. We provide play therapy and positive behaviour support to children aged 2-12 years. We specialise in working with children who may have autism, ADHD, developmental delay, experience anxiety, or have difficulties with emotional regulation and challenging behaviours. Supports are delivered in home and education settings.
Child (and Parent) Information & Counselling
Brave Foundation
Brave Foundation equips expecting and parenting young people with resources, referrals, and education opportunities to facilitate happy, healthy, and connected families. Supporting Expecting & Parenting Teens is our innovative mentor program.
Child (and Parent) Information & Counselling
Brisbane North Intensive Family Support
Communify QueenslandA free and voluntary service that can support families under pressure with the aim to keep kids safe.