Community Service Clubs in Logan
The Associated Community Service Clubs of Logan City Inc
A service in the Logan area
The Logan Mayoress' Community Service Committee
A service in the Logan area
Logan Central
Community Service Clubs
Chamber of Commerce Beenleigh Yatala
Beenleigh Yatala Chamber Of CommerceActive business network. Monthly breakfasts held the 3rd Fri each month at 7am. Prawn lunch 1st week in March. Beenleigh Cane Festival held last week in May. Beenleigh Business Achievers in October. Much more - call for detail or refer to our website.
Community Service Clubs
Community Voices
'Community Voices' brings people together via singing and also provides extra support to people who are seeking more sustainable employment and training through case management and mentoring. The choir is open to residents of Logan. People can become mentors to other choir members seeking employment supports. The choir is managed by a Committee, rehearses weekly and performs regularly.
Community Service Clubs
Edwin care support services
Edwin Care support services focuses in growing community and ensuring everyone is playing a part towards community integration and growth, we offer range of services including general Youth and disability support, we provide residential care support as well ensuring that our clients rights and interest and protected and secured while providing the adequate service needed to help encourage growth
Community Service Clubs
Jimboomba Toastmasters
Toastmasters meetings are run for anyone wishing to learn and practice public speaking, gain confidence and leadership skills. Members must be 18 years of age or older. Membership fees apply.
Community Service Clubs
JQ (Junior Quota) Loganlea
Quota is a group of community minded people who get together to have fun while helping those in need locally and internationally.
Community Service Clubs
JQ (Junior Quota) Windaroo
Quota is a group of community minded people who get together to have fun while helping those in need locally and internationally.
Community Service Clubs
Lions Club of Twin Rivers Inc
Servicing: Eagleby, Beenleigh, Mount Warren Park, Windaroo and Bahrs Scrub. Meet the on the 3rd Tue of the month at 6.30pm for 7.00pm at the Beenleigh Sports club, 28A Alamein St, Beenleigh.
Community Service Clubs
Logan & Surrounds Breast Cancer Support Group
Past and present Breast Cancer patients and their support people are invited to come along to our support group, for a cuppa and a chat. We also can provide resources through Breast Cancer Network Australia, for recently diagnosed people, and those facing secondary diagnosis.
Community Service Clubs
Logan House Fire Support Network
In 2011, a family lost 11 of it's members as a fire engulfed their home at Slacks Creek. As we went to pay our respects, we saw a need for assistance in the community after there is a devastation of fire.
Community Service Clubs
Marsden & District Progress Association
This venue is ideal for local groups wanted to start up, prepared to work with you to help your small business develop and grow.
Community Service Clubs
Military Cadets
Logan City Community CadetsWe are a community based Not For Profit cadet unit for boys and girls aged between 11 and 18 years. The unit has an ethos of SERVE LEARN REMEMBER and is based on a military structure, values and disciplines. LCCC Inc parades every Wednesday night from 6:00pm (1800 h) until 8:30pm (2030 h) excluding Qld state school holidays. Check out our website for details.
Browns Plains
Community Service Clubs
Multicultural Sports Club (ACCESS Community Services)
The MSC offers free/low cost programs for community members to participate in. We provide programs for sport (competitive and social), recreation, leisure, indoor and outdoor activities. We are proud to be an inclusive organisation and have participants from all cultural backgrounds, all ages, all abilities, men, women, youth and children. Anyone is welcome and we have something for everyone!
Community Service Clubs
Probus Club of Beenleigh Inc
Probus is an association for active retirees, whose purpose is to provide regular opportunities to keep minds active, expand interests and to enjoy the fellowship of new friends.
Community Service Clubs
Probus Club of Cornubia
The PROBUS CLUB OF CORNUBIA is a non-profit, non-sectarian Club which provides regular opportunity for like-minded folk to make friends and expand their interests.
Community Service Clubs
Rotary Club Of Beenleigh
We are People of Action. Come and join us to discover the energy and vitality of the Rotary experience where “conversations are turned into actions”. The Rotary Club of Beenleigh has delivered over 65 years of service to the community since its Charter in 1953.
Community Service Clubs
Rotary Club of Loganholme
Rotary is a global network of 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who come together to make positive, lasting change in communities at home and abroad.
Community Service Clubs
Rotary Club of Logan
Our club members are dedicated people of action who share a passion for both community service and friendship. Becoming a Rotarian connects you with a diverse group of community-minded people who share your drive to give back.
Logan Central
Community Service Clubs
Rotary Jimboomba
ROTARY CLUB OF JIMBOOMBA INCRotary International is an international service organization whose stated purpose is to bring together business and professional leaders in order to provide humanitarian services, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world