Migrant Services in Logan
Migrant Services
Access Community Services Ltd
Access Community Services LimitedCasework and skill development for newly arrived refugee's and migrants to Logan and Ipswich.
Logan Central
Migrant Services
Islamic Women's Association of Australia
ISLAMIC WOMENS ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIAIWAA is a not-for-profit community service organisation that provides support to the community in the areas of aged care, settlement support services, disability support services and community development, with a special focus on multicultural communities.
Migrant Services
Mercy Community Family and Child Connect - Browns Plains
Mercy CommunityConnect to the right support to get back on track. For children to develop and grow in healthy and positive ways, they need life to be stable, even when their family faces tough times. If you feel that you’ve lost your way or been side-tracked, Family and Child Connect can give you a hand to get back on track. It’s confidential, free and worth the call. Access to interpreters is available.
Browns Plains
Migrant Services
TAFE Queensland Browns Plains Campus
Tafe QueenslandTAFE Queensland Browns Plains offers the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) designed to assist newly arrived migrants, refugees, humanitarian entrants and unemployed Australians from English speaking and diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
Browns Plains
Migrant Services
TAFE Queensland Loganlea Campus
Tafe QueenslandTAFE Queensland Loganlea offers the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) designed to assist newly arrived migrants, refugees, humanitarian entrants and unemployed Australians from English speaking and diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
Migrant Services
TAFE Queensland Loganlea Campus
Tafe QueenslandTAFE Queensland English Language and Literacy Services (TELLS) provides language, literacy, and numeracy training to job seekers and migrants through the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) and the Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) program. The AMEP is funded by the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs and delivered at our locations across Queensland. The SEE program is funded
Ahmadiyya Muslim Association Australia - Bait-ul Masoor Mosque
Ahmadiyya Muslim Association AustraliaA service in the Logan area. The Ahmadiyya Community was founded in 1889 by Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, (on whom be peace) of Qadian. The Community has been continuously progressing since that time and at present the members of the Community are found in 178 countries of the world.
Migrant Services
Asylum Seeker and Refugee Assistance (ASRA) program
Communify QueenslandUnder the ASRA Program, Communify Qld works with a consortium of partners to deliver specialist services. The aim of the ASRA program is to support wellbeing, build capacity, provide basic financial assistance and develop collaborative efforts of the community to sustain asylum seeker support.
Migrant Services
Interpreting and Translation business:Provides interpreting and translating services to clients in the public and private sectors including medical and legalProvides telephone interpreting and video conference interpretingProvides simultaneous conference interpreting at international eventsProvid...
Chin Community in Queensland Inc - Marsden
Chin Community Brisbane IncThe Chin Community in Queensland inc. is a not for profit making organization that was established in Logan since 2008 by the Chin refugees those who are resettled from the Union of Burma.
Migrant Services
Community Care Links Services
We provide Support Coordination services, Mentoring and Great Group programs for participants on the NDIS. Visit the website or contact us for more information.
Ethnic Communities Council of Logan
Migrants and Refugees in the Logan City area will have equal access to services, social justice and representation and develop the capacity to participate, enhance and contribute to our culturally diverse community.
We run multiple social/community activities, run a safe hub and provide NDIS services including specialised support work, support work, Psychosocial recovery coaching, support coordination and groups. Overall We work towards creating safe spaces for girls and young women from Pasifika, CALD, and first nation backgrounds. We provide a space for young women to connect and their community.
Migrant Services
Goldilocks Community Health
We are a Registered NDIS provider who provides care and housing options. Our current housing services are STA, MTA and SILS with our own team of dedicated support workers that make everyday a fun day. Our services and models of care include support coordination, youth for youth community and social participation, employment supports and our psycho social recovery mental health team.
Hungarian Cultural & Welfare Association
We provide culture within this area
Kotahi Aroha
Kotahi AROHA will provide a strong support network of dedicated volunteers to support people effected by homelessness, community and charitable organisations, roopu,(group) whanau (family) and individuals suffering from hardship. We recognise basic necessities such as food, shelter, education, health and the right to live in a safe environment within Australia. While we strive to advocate for New
Boronia Heights
Logan Residents Care Inc
We try our level best to tackle urgent issues and discrimination among asylum seekers, refugees & migrants and promote long term solutions to the problems they face.-Help refugees and migrants with language problems-Help refugees and migrants to integrate into the Australian community through a range of activities and events.
Logan Samoa Advisory Council Incorporated
The Logan Samoa Advisory Council Incorporated is a Samoan community organisation established in 2007 within the Logan Council region in Queensland, Australia. The growing Samoan community in Logan prompted the establishment of (LSAC Inc.) in order to provide specific assistance to the needs of its people especially its youth.
Logan Central
Migrant Services
National Resource Centre For Migrant Empowerment
NRCME is dedicated to improving the lives of vulnerable and precarious immigrants, with a focus on newly arrived immigrants in Australia. We offer an extensive set of services, community organization, and leadership development programs. Including job seeking support, acquiring safe and affordable housing, education and legal aid, health advice, and demonstrating services.