Child Youth & Family Health in Logan
Child Youth & Family Health
Beenleigh Child Health Service
Children's Health QueenslandThe Child Health Service is for families with children aged from birth to 8 years.
Mount Warren Park
Child Youth & Family Health
Browns Plains Child Health Service
Children's Health QueenslandThe Child Health Service is for families with children aged from birth to 8 years old.
Child Youth & Family Health
Edwin care support services
Edwin Care support services focuses in growing community and ensuring everyone is playing a part towards community integration and growth, we offer range of services including general Youth and disability support, we provide residential care support as well ensuring that our clients rights and interest and protected and secured while providing the adequate service needed to help encourage growth
Child Youth & Family Health
Flagstone Child Health Service
Children's Health QueenslandThe Child Health Service is for families with children aged from birth to 8 years.
Child Youth & Family Health
Good Start Program
Children's Health QueenslandThe Good Start Program helps Maori and Pacific Islander families make choices for their health and wellbeing.
Child Youth & Family Health
Logan Central Child Health Service
Children's Health QueenslandThe Child Health Service is for families with children aged from birth to 8 years old.
Logan Central
Child Youth & Family Health
Mercy Community Family and Child Connect - Browns Plains
Mercy CommunityConnect to the right support to get back on track. For children to develop and grow in healthy and positive ways, they need life to be stable, even when their family faces tough times. If you feel that you’ve lost your way or been side-tracked, Family and Child Connect can give you a hand to get back on track. It’s confidential, free and worth the call. Access to interpreters is available.
Browns Plains
Child Youth & Family Health
Slacks Creek Child Health Service
Children's Health QueenslandThe Child Health Service is for families with children aged from birth to 8 years old.
Slacks Creek
Child Youth & Family Health
Springwood Child Health Service
Children's Health QueenslandThe Child Health Service is for families with children aged from birth to 8 years old.
Child Youth & Family Health
UnitingCare - RAI Beenleigh
UnitingCareWe are a voluntary early intervention program that provides services and support tailored to meet the individual needs of vulnerable families with children aged 0 -18 years.
Child Youth & Family Health
Yarrabilba Child Health Service
Children's Health QueenslandThe child health service is for families with children aged from Birth to 8 years old.
Child Youth & Family Health
Accoras You.nique - South Brisbane
AccorasFree outreach support for children aged 0 - 18 who might be showing early signs or symptoms of a mental health concern. Accoras is funded by the Department of Social Services to provide this support to children and young people in the South Brisbane catchment.
Child Youth & Family Health
Camp Quality Queensland
Camp QualityOur Purpose is to give kids impacted by cancer the chance to be kids again in a safe, fun and supportive environment. We do this through positively changing a child’s cancer experience, with entertaining, play-based education and recreational camps and retreats that strengthen the mental wellbeing and improve the quality of life of children and their family.
Child Youth & Family Health
Early Intervention Advisory & Planning
Healing WorldsEarly Intervention from Autism Advisory service for families and mothers groups embarking on early intervention planning.
Child Youth & Family Health
Ez Dietitian
Accredited Practising Dietitian based in Brisbane. Telehealth and home visit offered. Medicare & DVA provider. Bilingual - English and Mandarin. Afterpay and Paypal accepted. Areas of specialties: -weight management -chronic disease management(diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, osteoporosis, gout, etc) -infant and young child feeding, -postpartum nutrition and health
Child Youth & Family Health
Hively Health
We provide private psychology and NDIS services. Our psychologists are compassionate and empathic clinicians, dedicated to fostering a warm and secure therapeutic environment. We work from a strengths-based approach, drawing upon a range of evidence-based interventions, tailoring therapy to individual needs.
Child Youth & Family Health
KnOT Occupational Therapy
KnOT is a health provider in Brisbane with occupational therapy, physiotherapy &dietetic services. We provide mobile services in schools, ELC and home and are dedicated to helping people of all ages overcome physical, psycho-social, and developmental challenges. We are specialists in various areas such as Early Intervention, Sensory Integration, Neurodevelopmental Therapy and Assistive Technology.
Child Youth & Family Health
Leukodystrophy Resource & Research organisation
Leukodystrophy Resource & Research Organisation IncLeukodystrophy is group of some 50 to 60 genetic progressive neurodegenerative disorders that are terminal. We support families, scientists, clinicians and allied health.
Child Youth & Family Health
Royal Flying Doctor Service Of Australia Queensland Section - Brisbane
Royal Flying Doctor Service Of Australia Queensland SectionUsing the latest in aviation, medical and communications technology, the Royal Flying Doctor Service (Queensland Section) works to provide primary health care and emergency medical services to anyone who lives, works or travels in rural and remote Queensland.
Child Youth & Family Health
Secondary to Intensive Family Support
AccorasSupport for culturally and linguistically diverse families with a child who may be vulnerable or who's safety is at risk. A free outreach support service in South Brisbane area.