General Youth Services in Logan
General Youth Services Description
General Youth Services
Edwin care support services
Edwin Care support services focuses in growing community and ensuring everyone is playing a part towards community integration and growth, we offer range of services including general Youth and disability support, we provide residential care support as well ensuring that our clients rights and interest and protected and secured while providing the adequate service needed to help encourage growth
General Youth Services
InSync Beenleigh (Anglicare)
Anglicare Southern QueenslandCentre based support from our Beenleigh office for young people up to 25 who are at risk of homelessness
General Youth Services
Kingston East Occasional Childcare
Kingston East Neighbourhood Group IncThe Kingston East Neighbourhood Group provides a number of services to the community.
General Youth Services
Newly Arrived Youth Specialist (NAYS) Reconnect
MultiLink Community Services Inc.NAYS Reconnect provides support to newly arrived refugee young people and families. Our Youth Workers assist with housing, education, employment, relationships, practical living skills and other issues.
Logan Central
General Youth Services
PCYC Beenleigh Youth Programs
Queensland Police-Citizens Youth Welfare AssociationAt Police-Citizens Youth Club (PCYC) Beenleigh we have programs that are as diverse as the young people who enjoy them. We welcome young people of all backgrounds to join PCYC and share stories and experiences with other young Queenslanders. There is sure to be a program that suits you. It all starts here.
General Youth Services
Police-Citizens Youth Club (PCYC) - Crestmead
Queensland Police-Citizens Youth Welfare AssociationThe Queensland Police-Citizens Youth Welfare Association has made a valuable and positive contribution to the future of countless young people since it first began activities in 1948. Through the hard work of Police Officers, staff and thousands of caring volunteers and members of the community a tradition has developed that is unique to Australia.
General Youth Services
Police-Citizens Youth Club (PCYC) - Logan City
Queensland Police-Citizens Youth Welfare AssociationThe PCYC - Logan City aims to provide all possible guidance to assist young people through their formative years. Improving communities through youth development: Our new youth management team welcomes new members from 13 - 19 years of age for organised social events and dance parties.
General Youth Services
Police-Citizens Youth Club (PCYC) - Tudor Park
Queensland Police-Citizens Youth Welfare AssociationAt PCYC- Tudor Park we have programs that are as diverse as the young people who enjoy them. We welcome young people of all backgrounds to join PCYC and share stories and experiences with other young Queenslanders. There is sure to be a program that suits you. It all starts here.
General Youth Services
REKON Youth Foundation
manna from heaven sandgate incREKON Youth Foundation has found its new home at the Wilbur Street Youth Centre! This is more than just a building – it’s a place where dreams come alive, skills are sharpened, and young lives are transformed.
Logan Central
General Youth Services
Woodridge Scout Group
Scouts AustraliaThe Scout Movement is a family / community orientated organisation working to develop young people to their full potential.
General Youth Services
Youth off the Streets
We provide intensive one-on-one support and services for young people aged 12-24yo involved with or at risk of being involved with the Justice system. Drop-in Service Operates Thursday and Friday 2.30pm to 5pm at 2/9 Station Road. Outreach BBQ held each Wednesday at Woodridge skate Park operating between 2.30pm -5pm. General office hours 9am-5pm Monday to Friday.
General Youth Services
Anglicare Southern Queensland Mental Health and Family Wellbeing
Anglicare Southern Queensland is a proud member of the Anglicare Australia network.
General Youth Services
Brave Foundation
Brave Foundation equips expecting and parenting young people with resources, referrals, and education opportunities to facilitate happy, healthy, and connected families. Supporting Expecting & Parenting Teens is our innovative mentor program.
General Youth Services
Hurricane Stars Club Inc
Hurricane Stars ClubWe have ladies only swimming lessons, aqua aerobics, teen girls fitness activities and mum's and bub fitness. As well of regular youth and family activities.
General Youth Services
Ipswich Youth Justice Centre
Department Of Youth JusticeSupervision of young people (up to 17 years of age) under court orders. This service is appointment based. Please contact this service for more information on the assistance they can provide you.
General Youth Services
Little Dreamers Australia
As Australia’s leading Young Carer organisation, Little Dreamers works with young people who provide unpaid care for a family member with a disability, illness or addiction. Across a range of direct support programs, we’re improving the quality of life for Young Carers across Australia, with a vision that every single Young Carer around the world is supported by someone or something by 2030.
General Youth Services
Nexus CAP
WE ARE NEXUS CAPABILITIES (NEXUS CAP). We provide high quality Allied Health Care and Services (Occupational Therapy, Physio, Soeech Pathology, Dietitian and Psychology). Our outstanding services are provided within our unique Nexus philosophy and our practice is centred on three pillars: Focus on Relationships; Focus on Clinical Excellence and Focus on Technology. Experience the Nexus difference.
General Youth Services
Scouts Queensland - Gold Coast Region
Scouts AustraliaThe Scout Association encourages development of young people through a wide range of activities from ages 6-26 years. These include: Joey Scouts, Cub Scouts, Scouts, Venturers and Rovers. Information
General Youth Services
Support Individuals and Families Newly arrival to the Gold Coast as well as Brisbane areas
Eritrean-Australian Community and Settlement Support Network Inc.A Community Advocating Leading for Change Support Individuals and Families Newly arrival to the Gold Coast as well as African Background connected them with the local communities fully delivered oriented by experienced serviced. The Eritrean Community Association Gold Coast Inc is located in both suburbs of South-port and Labrador in both Division.
General Youth Services
Youth Support Services
Wesley Mission QueenslandProviding telephone and outreach support to young people experiencing difficulties at home, school or in the community, as well as those at risk of harm and homelessness.