Aboriginal Health Services in Mapoon
Aboriginal Health Services
Afterhours Services for First Nations Maternal Child Health
Mookai Rosie-bi-bayan (Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islanders Corporation)Mookai Rosie Bi-Bayan provides in-hours and afterhours comprehensive primary health clinical practice, antenatal, perinatal, postnatal and child health care for Australian First Nations clients living in rural and remote communities in the Torres and Cape region, who need to travel from their community to access antenatal care and birthing services situated in Carins.
Aboriginal Health Services
Cape Continuity of Support
Apunipima Cape York Health CouncilPsychosocial services through a range of non-clinical supports.
Aboriginal Health Services
Indigenous Respiratory Outreach Care (IROC)
Metro North Hospital And Health ServiceWe aim to raise awareness of respiratory diseases through community engagement, lung health promotion, education, partnerships with local health providers, training and research.
Aboriginal Health Services
Integrated Team Care
Apunipima Cape York Health CouncilAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with chronic conditions may be eligible to receive support and education to effectively manage their health through the Integrated Team Care program. The program provides patients with one-on-one assistance by involving care planning, improve access to culturally appropriate primary care, and Supplementary Service funds to access medical aids.
Aboriginal Health Services
Integrated Team Care
Mookai Rosie-bi-bayan (Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islanders Corporation)The Integrated Team Care Program was established to improve chronic conditions outcomes for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people by improving access to primary health care, including cultural appropriate mainstream services, and by providing care coordination and access to brokerage funds (Supplementary Services) for eligible clients.