Literacy & Numeracy Programs in Maranoa
Literacy & Numeracy Programs
TAFE Queensland Roma Campus
Tafe QueenslandTAFE Queensland Roma offers the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) designed to assist newly arrived migrants, refugees, humanitarian entrants and unemployed Australians from English speaking and diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
Literacy & Numeracy Programs
iConnect Digital & Comm.Unity - Toowoomba
We provide access to mobile support, loaned technologies, and internet connectivity, supporting individuals, groups, and community to connect and empower independence. If you could benefit, know someone, or are part of a community group that could benefit from trusted, freely provided support to enable digital independence, we are here to help.
Literacy & Numeracy Programs
Reading Writing Hotline
Australian Children's Education And Care Quality AuthorityThe Hotline is a free anonymous phone referral service for adults wishing to improve their reading writing, maths or computing skills. The Hotline teachers will help callers find appropriate classes or resources to assist them. The Hotline is available to anyone in Australia and is funded by the Commonwealth Department of Education and Training.
Speech Pathology
Vital HealthSpeech Pathologists assist those who experience difficulties communicating (written, oral or body communication) as well as those who are having trouble swallowing. Please see Vital Paediatrics for Children's Speech Pathology.
Access Learning and Training Day Centre
Access Learning and Training Pty.Ltd.Provides personalized and dynamic supports that are based on individual goals. delivered by a committed team who work together to ensure that people with disabilities achieve their asperations and full potential. We are committed to innovation and pushing boundaries to achieve "the good life" for those we support and service. Our dream is to build an inclusive community for all people.
Bymount East State School
The school provides a safe, supportive environment while offering high-quality education programs that meet the needs of all students. The curriculum focus is explicit teaching of literacy, numeracy and science, with Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) integrated into daily learning.
Dunkeld State School
At Dunkeld State School we provide high quality education that places a great emphasis on literacy and numeracy. Our school also has a strong focus on music, theatre and sport. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are fully integrated.
Mungallala State School
At Mungallala State School we provide an extremely high level of quality educational experiences for all students that places a great emphasis on literacy and numeracy skill development.
Volunteer mentor to a child in foster care - Brisbane
The Pyjama FoundationAt The Pyjama Foundation, we provide young people in foster care the opportunity to change the direction of their lives with learning, life skills and confidence. Since 2004, we have supported 11,000 young people across Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria.
Chronic Disease Nurse
South West Hospital and Health ServiceChronic Disease Nurses supports clients, their families, and carers with increasing health literacy to empower clients to proactively plan and manage their chronic disease condition.
Rural Financial Counselling Service Southern Queensland
Rural Financial Counselling Service - Southern QueenslandThe Rural Financial Counselling Service provides free and impartial rural financial counselling to primary producers, fishers and small rural businesses
Balance Minder
Providing training in wellness skills including exercise, healthy eating and financial literacy. Balance Minder aims to provide the tools and support to all Australians to improve their physical, mental and social wellbeing. Deeply grounded in Tai Chi; We offer online and face to face courses which allows participants the opportunity to become the best version of themselves.
ClearConvo is a registered provider with the National Disability Insurance Scheme. We provide speech therapy services to NDIS participants in the Brisbane region and Queensland or anywhere in Australia via online speech therapy sessions (Telehealth). Call us today on (07) 3703 1812.
Limbs 4 Life
Limbs 4 Life is the peak body for amputees in Australia and was founded as an incorporated charity in 2004. Limbs 4 Life provides services to thousands of amputees and their care givers, who rely on the programs and services for assistance prior to, or after a limb amputation.
Mind Over Matter Trauma Consultancy
Mind Over Matter Consultancy provides evidence-based, trauma-informed bespoke services in any of the following: Psychoeducation Childhood development enhancing routines Emotional literacy and social skills Emotional first aid and emotional regulation Behaviour management and de-escalation Suicide intervention and prevention practices Foster and kinship carer assessments and more!
Northern Frontiers Mediation & Counselling Mediation & Counselling
Northern Frontiers Mediation & CounsellingOur counsellors, mediators and psychologists assist with issues such as relationship difficulties, family separation parenting, grief and loss, peer pressure, behaviour management thoughts of suicide/self-harm, conflict at work and many more. Based in Cairns, Queensland, we provide professional services across Australia via phone, or in-person at our Cairns city offices.
Stigma and Discrimination Program
Queensland Positive PeopleThis service aims to improve the legal literacy of PLHIV through the provision of education, information and time limited advocacy to those PLHIV who experience stigma, discrimination or other HIV related legal problems affecting their quality of life.