General Employment & Training Services in Maranoa
General Employment & Training Services
BUSY At Work - Roma Apprenticeship Services
BUSY At WorkBUSY At Work is a not for profit organisation providing apprenticeship, employment and community programs. With 35 years of experience we have established various programs across Australia and increased our footprint throughout regional and metropolitan locations in Queensland and Victoria.
General Employment & Training Services
Golden West Apprenticeships
Golden West Apprenticeships understands that for our communities to thrive and grow, skills need to be developed and sourced locally. As a community based, not-for-profit organisation, we are committed to developing these skills through apprenticeships and traineeships. Golden West Apprenticeships employs apprentices and trainees across all trade industries across the region.
General Employment & Training Services
Romafire & First Aid
We can provide for you and your staff training in: First Response Instruction in accordance with the Qld Building Fire Safety Regulation, Provide First Aid (HLTAID011), Provide Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (HLTAID009), Perform Rescue from a Live LV Panel (UETTDRRF06), Childcare - Provide First Aid in an Education and Care Setting (HLTAID012).
General Employment & Training Services
TAFE Queensland Roma Campus
Tafe QueenslandTAFE Queensland Roma offers the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) designed to assist newly arrived migrants, refugees, humanitarian entrants and unemployed Australians from English speaking and diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
General Employment & Training Services
Approach Services
Approach Services is a Western Australian business on a mission to shape the way we lead and implement change around the world. We are here to empower communities, organisations and leaders to recover fast from challenges and grow through transformation. Facing change? Talk to us about how we can help you thrive.
General Employment & Training Services
Electrician Jobs is your online source to find jobs in the Australian Electrical Industry, assisting jobseekers by providing a platform to search and apply directly for the latest jobs or register to receive new job opportunities.?
General Employment & Training Services
Fair Work Infoline
Provide information on awards and agreements including your entitlements as an employee. Also for enquiries re wages and employment conditions in the private sector. Information can still be obtained from the Department of Justice and Attorney-General.
General Employment & Training Services
Learning Network Queensland
Tafe QueenslandLearning Network Queensland offers over 200 courses across a wide range of interest areas including computing, book keeping, small business, professional development, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander training, languages and more. Mobile delivery is not new to Learning Network Queensland as we successfully deliver vocational programs to rural and remote locations in Queensland.
General Employment & Training Services
Mental Health First Aid Training
Future Training 4uMental Health First Aid - Training - Support - Fully Accredited & Professional Courses - Available to suit Individuals, Groups, Organisations, Companies, Government Departments, Military & Civil Emergency Agencies, Business Management & Employees, Volunteers.
General Employment & Training Services
Queensland Association of School Tuckshops
Queensland Association of School Tuckshops provides Food Safety Supervisor Certificates, tailored to School Canteen Convenors.
General Employment & Training Services
Sally's place Learning Center
Logan Community Development NetworkWe help people with barriers move forward in their lives at their own pace. We are able to offer training services in a wide range of areas and run classes in hospitality and foundation skills . We are very unique in the way we train and very hands on. No one gets left behind but you have got to want to move forward and be prepared to succeed.
General Employment & Training Services
TAFE Open Learning
Tafe QueenslandTAFE Queensland's distance and online programs bring you quality short courses that address your immediate needs, whether it be for career progression or lifestyle enhancement.
General Employment & Training Services
Tiddas In Business - FREE Business Workshops
MurawinThe Tiddas in Business program is a series of culturally appropriate business activities that introduce entrepreneurship, business, & leadership skills. The activities are led by Indigenous Businesswomen who provide insights, strategies, tools & resources for starting and growing business.
General Employment & Training Services
U3a Network Queensland
U3A provides learning programs including academic, cultural, physical and social. These programs offer stimulation and development to people in their 3rd age.
General Employment & Training Services
Volunteering Queensland Inc
Volunteering Queensland (VQ) is the state's peak body for volunteering. It represents the interests of volunteers, and community organisations who utilise the services of volunteers.