Community Information & Referral Services in McKinlay
Community Information & Referral Services
Community Mental Health and Wellbeing Sector information
Queensland Alliance For Mental HealthQAMH represents more than 100 Queensland organisations and individual Members involved in the quality delivery of community mental health and wellbeing services across the state. As the peak body for the Community Mental Health and Wellbeing Sector, our role is to reform, promote and drive community mental health and wellbeing service delivery, through our influence and collaboration with Members.
Community Information & Referral Services
Epilepsy Action Australia
Epilepsy Action Australia provides support, information and innovative services to those living with and affected by epilepsy across Australia. We offer world-class education and support services nationally, with a determined commitment to deliver equitable and consistent services to all Australians regardless of where they live.
Community Information & Referral Services
Immigration Services Australia (ISA)
Gwatking, Ethel TabilismaPartner visas, work visa, overseas recruitment for sponsors looking to fill skill shortage, student visas, family visas , visa refusals and appeals.
Community Information & Referral Services
KNOTbound Ltd
KNOTbound Ltd provides information on the BDSM community, both locally and nationally, provides educational opportunties, maintains a national archive and works to promote knowledge and understanding of BDSM practices, lifestyles and orientations.
Community Information & Referral Services
NDIS Access Referral and Advocacy support
Pasco CarePasco Care providing support to People with a Disability to Access the NDIS. We can support you or your loved one towards the referral pathway to NDIS. Our Team at Pasco Care are here to help. We can support the referral pathway for your NDIS application. If you think you would meet the eligibility criteria or are unsure contact Us today to enquire about meeting NDIS Access.
Community Information & Referral Services
Primary And Community Care Services - Thornleigh
Primary And Community Care ServicesPCCS is a not-for-profit local health organisation working to make it easier for people to access the health and community services they need. We provide social work, care coordination, nursing, occupational therapy, and psychological support services. Services are available at no cost to clients through funded programs like the NDIS, 'Plus Social', 'NewAccess' etc. Call us to discuss your needs
Community Information & Referral Services
QIFVLS - Mount Isa Office
Queensland Indigenous Family Violence Legal ServiceWe are a free legal service, for Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander people, affected by family violence and/ or sexual assault. Our organisation was established to deliver culturally appropriate legal services including community education and community legal education.
Community Information & Referral Services
Queensland Ombudsman
We investigate complaints about state government departments and agencies, local councils and public universities. Our complaints assessment and investigation service is free and independent. Contact us between 9.30am-4.00pm, Monday-Friday, or use the online complaint form anytime.
Community Information & Referral Services
Residential Tenancies Authority
The RTA is the Queensland Government statutory authority that administers the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 (the Act). The RTA is responsible to the Minister for Communities and Housing, Minister for Digital Economy and Minister for the Arts.
Community Information & Referral Services
Statewide information and referral service for seniors
UnitingCareSeniors Enquiry Line is a statewide information and referral service for Queensland seniors, families, friends, grandparents and carers.
Community Information & Referral Services
The Aussie Hands Foundation Inc
To raise awareness of hand differences in the community and support families who have a child living with a hand difference and connecting them to other families in a similar situation and also to adults living with a hand difference.
Community Information & Referral Services
Volunteering Queensland Inc
Information and referral about volunteering, including referral to volunteering opportunities and information about rights and responsibilities.
Community Information & Referral Services
XYY Syndrome Association of Australia Inc.
Mission Creating awareness for XYY Syndrome by obtaining and providing the latest research for XYY families and the community. Networking with government services, medical specialists, general practitioners and educators to create a better understanding for XYY Syndrome. Our focus is helping the community have a positive understanding of XYY Syndrome and give support to those who need it.