Acute and Specialists Care

Hospital service

Julia Creek Multipurpose Health Service

North West Hospital and Health Service

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About Us

The health service is a Level 2 facility under the Rural and Remote Clinical Services Capability Framework. It provides rural and remote hospital services including an emergency department consisting of one resuscitation bay and a general practice clinic. A multidisciplinary model of care is implemented across the continuum with inpatient services supported by a Medical Superintendent.

The facility is a major employer in the area with 15 full-time positions. The Julia Creek Multipurpose Health Service and the McKinlay Shire Council jointly fund the position of a community nurse. The facility coordinates visiting specialist services including dental, mental health, optometry, allied health, women’s health and diabetes education.

Our goal is to spread the Julia Creek Multipurpose Health Service umbrella to assist with primary health initiatives including health promotion and monitoring of chronic disease. In partnership with McKinlay Shire we will continue to pursue opportunities to grow our aged care inpatient and outpatient services to further support ongoing community needs.

Our goal is to also attract permanent staff who can become a part of the Julia Creek community. We have made a commitment to make education a priority for our Julia Creek Multipurpose Health Service staff with local and sponsored training.

The Julia Creek Multipurpose Health Service is fortunate to have the support of a vibrant and energetic community involving community meetings such as the Community Advisory Network and Local Management Committee ensure that we remain responsive to community needs and to Queensland Health governance.

Upcoming Events at Julia Creek Multipurpose Health Service

March 2025


Quick Facts About The Region

Julia Creek Multipurpose Health Service is located in the suburb of Julia Creek, the council of Mckinlay, the state electorate of Traeger and the federal electorate of Kennedy.