General Community Clubs in Paroo
General Community Clubs
Cunnamulla Golf Club
The Cunnamulla Golf course is an 18 hole course comprising of dirt fairways and sand greens. Tee up is compulsory. River gums and Coolibah trees line some of the fairways and in a good season wildlife can be spotted.
General Community Clubs
Cunnamulla ICPA Branch
ICPA (Isolated Childrens' Parents Association) is a voluntary, non-profit, apolitical body dedicated to ensuring all geographically isolated children’s educational needs and aspirations are not disadvantaged because of where they live.
General Community Clubs
Limbs 4 Life
Limbs 4 Life is the peak body for amputees in Australia and was founded as an incorporated charity in 2004. Limbs 4 Life provides services to thousands of amputees and their care givers, who rely on the programs and services for assistance prior to, or after a limb amputation.