General Employment & Training Services

Mylestones Employment - Cleveland

CPL – Choice, Passion, Life

Mylestones Employment - Cleveland Logo
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About Us

We help people find jobs in areas they want to work and also match businesses with local and reliable staff. We’re a registered Disability Employment Service that’s been working the community for more than 21 years right across Queensland. We’ve helped thousands of job seekers find jobs that they love. 

Looking for CPL’s disability services? Get personalised therapyhome supportlife skills and creative arts programs from our nearby CPL locations in Mount Gravatt and Capalaba. We can also visit you wherever you like in surrounding western suburbs.

Looking for a job?


We'll work with you to find long term employment that matches your skills and career goals in an industry you're interested in. By focusing on your goals and aspirations, we can help create a career path that suits you and where you want to go! 

We can help you:

  • Get ready for work
  • Help you make a smooth transition from school to work
  • Find a job or traineeship
  • Grow your career 

Going from school to work

Our SWEET program (School Work Experience and Employment Training) is designed to help students with disabilities or learning difficulties make a smooth transition from school into the workforce. 

We do this by providing them with the right skills and training to become confident and work ready. We work in collaboration with local schools to give students an opportunity to work in the final year of school with a Disability Employment Service.

The SWEET program:

  • Gives students access to pre-employment training and support like preparing a resume and interview skills.
  • Creates a pathway for employment or further training.

Need local and reliable staff?

Mylestones Employment matches job seekers with barriers to employers, who want reliable and hardworking staff. 

Our team:

  • Takes the time to understand your company and what you need.
  • Matches your needs with the skills and personalities of our job seekers.
  • Offers on-the-job training and continued on-site support.

Plus, you may be eligible to get subsides and government funding. 

Quick Facts About The Region

Mylestones Employment - Cleveland is located in the suburb of Cleveland, the council of Redland, the state electorate of Oodgeroo and the federal electorate of Bowman.