Special Education Programs in Scenic Rim
Beaudesert SHS - Special Education Program
Department Of EducationA Special Education Program for Grade 8 to Grade 12. Information provided by the Queensland Government Open Data Initiative.
Beaudesert SS - Special Education Program
Department Of EducationA Special Education Program for Birth to Grade 7. Information provided by the Queensland Government Open Data Initiative.
Tamborine Mountain SS - Special Education Program
Department Of EducationA Special Education Program for Prep to Grade 7. Information provided by the Queensland Government Open Data Initiative.
North Tamborine
Special Education Programs
Mindfulness Retreat
Nirvana Wellness RetreatPurpose built retreat for meditation, gentle yoga, ayurvedic detoxification, rejuvenation and reflection on 'what's it all about' providing the time, space and inspiration to come up with solutions.
Special Education Programs
The Alannah & Madeline Foundation is the leading national not-for-profit organisation working to protect children from the effects of violence and bullying.
Special Education Programs
Centacare - Family and Relationship Services
CentacareChildren's Programs, Community Service Programs, Family Dispute Resolution Services, Family Relationship Counselling Services, Family Relationship Education Services, Domestic and Family Violence Support
Special Education Programs
Community Care Links Services
We provide Support Coordination services, Mentoring and Great Group programs for participants on the NDIS. Visit the website or contact us for more information.
Special Education Programs
Goldilocks Community Health
We are a Registered NDIS provider who provides care and housing options. Our current housing services are STA, MTA and SILS with our own team of dedicated support workers that make everyday a fun day. Our services and models of care include support coordination, youth for youth community and social participation, employment supports and our psycho social recovery mental health team.
Special Education Programs
Group activities
Cleo's PlaceGroup activities for Teens and Adults, including Cooking, Art, Plant to Plate, Life skills, Yoga, Meditation, Social Day, etc in Brisbane, Logan, Gold Coast, Morteon Bay, Ipswich and Bay side areas
Special Education Programs
Impact Career Counselling & Personal Development
NDIS Registered service provider of therapeutic support, improved daily living skills, and individual counselling. Personal development areas including interpersonal communication; overcoming social isolation; developing decision making skills; coping with life changes; self awareness and confidence building; support and mentoring for living independently.
Special Education Programs
Limbs 4 Life
Limbs 4 Life is the peak body for amputees in Australia and was founded as an incorporated charity in 2004. Limbs 4 Life provides services to thousands of amputees and their care givers, who rely on the programs and services for assistance prior to, or after a limb amputation.
Special Education Programs
Little Grubbs Orchard
We provide premium, gold standard early intervention and behavioural support programs and services that is scientifically researched and evidence-based to support people of all abilities, specialising in conditions such as Autism Spectrum Disorder & Developmental Delay.
Special Education Programs
Milestones for Life
Specialist intervention supports are available for children under 7 with a disability or a developmental delay, and their families. Intervention can take place in your child's natural environment, care or educational service as well as in their community settings. Funding can be accessed by self-managed and plan-managed NDIS participants with access to capacity-building funding in their NDIS plan.
Special Education Programs
Primary And Community Care Services - Mermaid Beach
Primary And Community Care ServicesPCCS provide a range of skills training and supports for psychosocial disability and community participation. An Approved NDIS Provider offering specialist care and coordination services for: - Complex health issues - Social and welfare needs - Long term mental health issues - Psychosocial disability. Chat to one of our friendly team on (07) 3186 4000, or email us at intake@pccs.org.au
Special Education Programs
Quality Home Health
Quality Home Health (QHH) is a family-owned, NDIS-registered provider of supports and services to people living with disability in the Logan, Gold Coast, Scenic Rim, Brisbane, Ipswich, and Bayside regions. Our services include: • In-home supports and services • In-centre programs • Support coordination & connection • STA, SIL, ILO (coming soon)
Special Education Programs
Speld Qld Inc.The services that Speld Qld Inc provide include an educational advisory and referral service, a library borrowing service, a tutor and assessment service, an assistive technology service, information workshops and seminars for parents, teachers and other professionals and a conference every two years. We promote actively throughout the community an awareness of the impact of specific learning ...
Special Education Programs
Tiddas In Business - FREE Business Workshops
MurawinThe Tiddas in Business program is a series of culturally appropriate business activities that introduce entrepreneurship, business, & leadership skills. The activities are led by Indigenous Businesswomen who provide insights, strategies, tools & resources for starting and growing business.
Special Education Programs
Unique Quality Care
Unique Quality Care offers affordable, tailored support for people with disabilities