Drug & Alcohol Services in Scenic Rim
Drug & Alcohol Services
Lives Lived Well - Beaudesert
Lives Lived WellFree alcohol and other drug counselling and support services, day and family programs available through our Brisbane South services, which are located in Beenleigh and Beaudesert. We provide residential treatment programs at Chambers Flat through our Logan House services.
Drug & Alcohol Services
Addiction In-Home Recovery (AIR Detox)
Our in-home detox program enables our patients to safely withdraw from alcohol or cannabis within the comfort and privacy of their own home. Our doctor makes daily home visits to closely monitor your withdrawal and provides 24hr support so we are with you every step of the way. We also create a personalised aftercare plan for you and provide 12 months of ongoing support.
Drug & Alcohol Services
Addiction Services
Metro South Hospital And Health ServiceIf you need help with an alcohol or other drug use issue, Addiction Services can help. We can support you to manage, reduce or stop your alcohol or other drug use.
Drug & Alcohol Services
Alcohol And Drug Foundation - Queensland
Alcohol And Drug FoundationOur Purpose: To prevent and minimise the harm caused by alcohol and other drugs in Australia.
Drug & Alcohol Services
Breakthrough for Families Qld
Drug ARMBreakthrough for Families Qld is an information, referral and support program for family members, significant others and loved ones of people who are experiencing alcohol or other drug issues. Book an appointment by calling the Central Intake Service on (07) 3620 8880.
Drug & Alcohol Services
Community and Family Support Service
Drug ARMThe Community and Family Support Service is a twelve week counselling program for people who want help to address issues related to their own, or a another person’s, alcohol or other drug use. Book an appointment by calling the Central Intake Service on (07) 3620 8880.
Drug & Alcohol Services
Creating Options
Drug ARMCreating Options is a twelve week treatment program for people who want help to address issues related to their alcohol or other drug use. Book an appointment by calling the Central Intake Service on (07) 3620 8880.
Drug & Alcohol Services
Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation
Teen Challenge Care QldWe provide rehabilitation services to men and women to help them overcome drug, alcohol and other life controlling addictions. Our New Life Men's Centre can take those between the ages of 18 and 45, and the New Life Women's Centre is for those between the ages of 18 and 40.
Drug & Alcohol Services
Family Drug Support Australia
Information, help and support for families affected by drug use.
Drug & Alcohol Services
Family Drug Support
FDS provides up to date information on all aspects of alcohol and drug use relative to the families and friends of people who use substances. FDS also operates a National 24 hr, 7 day a week telephone support service for families and friends affected by alcohol and other drug issues.
Drug & Alcohol Services
Lived Experience education and support
Australian Anti Ice CampaignPrevention Education Advocacy Intervention Peer support Relapse prevention Group therapy
Drug & Alcohol Services
Lives Lived Well - Beenleigh
Lives Lived WellAlcohol and drug counselling services, day programs and ongoing support for people to prevent relapse is provided at our service hub in Beenleigh.
Drug & Alcohol Services
Lives Lived Well Head Office
Lives Lived WellLives Lived Well provides support for people in Queensland, New South Wales and South Australia who are being impacted by alcohol or drugs or problems with mental health. We aim to take a holistic, compassionate and harm minimisation approach to help people live their lives well. Our community supports are free to access, and we also provide low-cost live-in services.
Drug & Alcohol Services
Logan Adolescent Drug Dependencies Early Response Service (LADDERS)
Metro South Hospital And Health ServiceLADDERS provides a free service for young people aged 12-25 and their families/significant others, who are experiencing problematic drug and alcohol use.
Drug & Alcohol Services
Needle Clean Up Helpline
Clean Needle Helpline24 hour phone safe needle disposal advice.
Drug & Alcohol Services
SMART Recovery
Smart Recovery Australia LimitedSmart Recovery For all addictive behaviours
Drug & Alcohol Services
Teen Challenge - New Life Centre - QLD
Teen Challenge Care QldTeen Challenge provides a residential rehabilitation program for men and women who struggle with drug and/or alcohol addiction and other life controlling issues.
Metro North Hospital And Health ServiceAdis has operated for over 30 years as Queensland’s first port of call for anyone with alcohol and drug concerns. We are a 24 hour, 7 day a week confidential support service offering support for people in Queensland with alcohol and other drug concerns, their loved ones and health professionals.
Call to Mind
Call to Mind is a telepsychiatry service that allows people across Australia to access quality mental health care. We have a team of psychiatrists and psychologists ranging in availability and speciality to best meet your needs. Consults are held on a video-conferencing platform so you can attend your appointment from anywhere.
Counselling Services Hervey Bay
NDIS Provider- Counselling Individuals, Children and Couples, Clinical Family Therapy, Energy Psychology-Kinesiology and Theta Healing- By Appointments Saturdays. Passionate about helping people to achieve their goals and having a happier healthier life.