General Animal Services
Toowoomba Koala and Wildlife Rescue
Wildlife Carers Toowoomba Region

We Are Open 24 / 7
About Us
We are dedicated to helping the public deal with wildlife emergencies. We educate people on the need for conservation. We work closely with local Vets who are wonderful for giving up their time in helping us.
People who find or rescue wildlife are usually very stressed and concerned that they are responsible for that animal and the costs of a vet if needed. We reassure them that they can take them to our vet for a consult and then the vet will release the animal to a qualified wildlife carer for rehabilitation back to wild. It will not cost you anything. (Maybe a small donation would be nice). . We also attend schools and show wildlife they don't normally have a chance to see and teach them how to care for our wildlife.
Quick Facts About The Region
Extra Information
Phone Service Yes
Accessible By Anyone
Access Fee No fee
Age Ranges All ages