Welfare Assistance & Support Services in Somerset
Welfare Assistance & Support Services
Community Care Links Services
We provide Support Coordination services, Mentoring and Great Group programs for participants on the NDIS. Visit the website or contact us for more information.
Welfare Assistance & Support Services
Continuous Care Pty Ltd
Provides the following services: Assist-Travel/Transport, Community Nursing Care, Home Modification, Household Tasks, Interpret/Translate, Therapeutic Supports, Vehicle Modifications community perceptions assistance with daily life activities
Breakthrough for Families Qld
Drug ARMBreakthrough for Families Qld is an information, referral and support program for family members, significant others and loved ones of people who are experiencing alcohol or other drug issues. Book an appointment by calling the Central Intake Service on (07) 3620 8880.
Chaperon Service Providers
Chaperon Healthcare is a registered provider of the NDIS. We have a pool of experienced registered nurses AVAILABLE 24/7. We love what we do and we provide support and care to people of all backgrounds. Our mission is to improve the health of our communities by providing a high level of disability support and quality home care. HENCE OUR CUSTOMER SERVICE IS EXCEPTIONAL AND PERSON CENTRED.
Lighthouse Care Loganholme
Lighthouse CareLighthouse Care is a non profit, providing food relief to over 70,000 families in need. Through our discount grocery stores, families can get a trolley of food for $25 and save up to 70% rrp on groceries. We also provide emergency food relief to thousands of families every year.
My Connections My Way
Lifeline Darling Downs And South West QLDThe program provides individual and group-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to people aged from 12 years old with mild to moderate mental health issues such as grief, loss, depression and anxiety. It aims to improve well-being, strengthen relationships and increase participation in community.
National Perinatal Support Program
The Babes Project AustraliaThe Babes Project works with women who are seeking additional support during pregnancy. We run a National support service providing our Perinatal Support Program via phone and video calls for pregnant and early parenting women across Australia, who cannot access one of the Centres.
Saver Plus
Saver Plus is a 10-month matched savings program that helps people to build their financial skills, establish a savings goal and develop long term saving habits. When finished, participants receive up to $500 in matched savings which can be used for education costs such as computers and tablets, text books and uniforms.
Seeds Of Hope Community Services Ltd
Seeds Of Hope Community ServicesWe provide fee and interest free loans up to $1000 to people on Centrelink to escape pawn brokers, pay day lenders, rent/buy contracts. We also assist with car registration. This project is called Financial Choices and is funded via philanthropic grants. We operate statewide with over the phone support.
Settlement Engagement Transition Support Service
AccorasSettlement Engagement and Transition Service is a free outreach service working with individuals and families who have moved to Australia in the last 5 years. Our aim is to help them settle in their new community. We do this by providing advice and assistance with finding housing, education, employment, and community engagement opportunities. This is a free outreach service to eligible families.
St John Qld Telephone Services
St John QldOur Community Calls service (previously known as Silver Cord) is a Queensland wide telephone reassurance service aimed at improving social connections. If you or a loved one are feeling lonely or isolated, or would just appreciate an extra check-in or chat during the week, our telephone services can help.
Suncare Community Services - Gympie
Suncare Community ServicesSuncare prides itself on working compassionately and genuinely listening to the needs of individuals, carers and family members. Our aim is to identify their own strengths, goals and aspirations, and to address their needs in timely and creative ways.
Suncare Community Services - North Lakes
Suncare Community ServicesSuncare prides itself on working compassionately and genuinely listening to the needs of individuals, carers and family members. Our aim is to identify their own strengths, goals and aspirations, and to address their needs in timely and creative ways.
Women's Legal Service - Annerley
Women's Legal ServiceFree legal help for women in Queensland with domestic violence, complex family law and sexual assault notes counselling privilege matters.