Crisis Counselling & Intervention Services in South Burnett
Crisis Counselling & Intervention Services
Excellent Choices Counselling
Accredited mental health practitioner; Medicare rebate available with doctor's referral; individual and group work; specialising in counselling for depression, anxiety, anger and stress management, family conflict, relationship problems, grief and loss
Crisis Counselling & Intervention Services
UnitingCare - Kingaroy
UnitingCarePost Separation Co-operative Parenting Program —Kingaroy
Crisis Counselling & Intervention Services
Centacare - Family and Relationship Services
CentacareChildren's Programs, Community Service Programs, Family Dispute Resolution Services, Family Relationship Counselling Services, Family Relationship Education Services, Domestic and Family Violence Support
Crisis Counselling & Intervention Services
Here 4 You CounsellingFiona views her counselling services as a space for constructive dialogue, where she collaborates with clients to build empowerment and self-awareness. She uses tailored strategies to help clients achieve their personal goals. With extensive experience in diverse settings, Fiona provides effective and compassionate support to individuals from all walks of life, including pre-adolescents, teenagers
Crisis Counselling & Intervention Services
Domestic and Family Violence Mensline
DvconnectMensline is a free, confidential telephone, counselling, referral and support service especially set up for men.
Crisis Counselling & Intervention Services
Domestic and Family Violence Womensline
DvconnectTelephone counselling and refuge referral 24/7 Queensland wide DVConnect, Womensline.
Crisis Counselling & Intervention Services
Family Drug Support Australia
Information, help and support for families affected by drug use.
Crisis Counselling & Intervention Services
Healing Worlds
Contact by SMS, or, make appointment online via Facebook. First session free.
Crisis Counselling & Intervention Services
Lifeline - National phone service
UnitingCareLifeline connects people with care by providing Crisis Support; Suicide Prevention; Mental Health Support.
Crisis Counselling & Intervention Services
Lifeline Gambling Help Toowoomba and South West Qld
Lifeline Darling Downs And South West QLD1. Counselling for problem gamblers and/or those impacted by the gambling of others. Individual counselling, workshops, groups 2. Community education: service providers, community, venues.
Crisis Counselling & Intervention Services
National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre
Lifeline and National Cannabis Prevention & Information CentreThe Helpline is a confidential information and support line for cannabis users and friends and family who are concerned about cannabis use by those close to them. . We provide counselling, information and referrals that will assist you in your current situation. We will link you to the most appropriate support services and resources for your situation in your area.
Crisis Counselling & Intervention Services
Needle Clean Up Helpline
Clean Needle Helpline24 hour phone safe needle disposal advice.
Crisis Counselling & Intervention Services
YourtownParentline offers free confidential phone and WebChat counselling and support for parents and carers of children in Queensland and the Northern Territory.
Crisis Counselling & Intervention Services
Parents Beyond Breakup
PARENTS BEYOND BREAKUP LTDHelping parents deal with the trauma of separation; a major cause of suicide in Australia. Support is available by phone, email, and in-person & online support groups.
Crisis Counselling & Intervention Services
Suicide Call Back - National Phone Service
On The Line AustraliaThe Suicide Call Back Service is a 24-hour, nationwide service that provides telephone and online counselling to people 15 years and over who fit one of the following categories: People who are suicidal, people who are caring for someone who is suicidal, people bereaved by suicide or health professionals supporting people affected by suicide.