General Crisis and Emergency Services in Sunshine Coast
General Crisis and Emergency Services
Centacare - Sunshine Coast CFRS
CentacareSCOPE has been established to reduce the occurrence and impact of domestic and family violence from Caloundra to Gympie. SCOPE offers free outreach counselling, information and referral for adults, children, court support, community education and awareness. SCOPE also offers the program 'Changing Gears' which is a behaviour management program tailored specifically for men.
General Crisis and Emergency Services
Palmwoods Rural Fire Brigade
Our aim is to protect people, property, livestock and the environment by conducting hazard reduction burns & responding to 000 callouts. We also assist the Urban Fire Fighters as back up, water provision & mop up
General Crisis and Emergency Services
Salvation Army - Community Welfare
Emergency support for families and individuals that find themselves short of money to meet regular financial needs. We can provide food vouchers and food hampers, and from time to time, support with telephone, electricity and petrol bills. A Centrelink referral or income statement is required, and you will need to phone in advance to make an appointment to see a welfare worker for an assessment.
General Crisis and Emergency Services
Sonshine Sanctuary Women's Refuge
Referrals to this serivce must come from the police, DV Connect, Lifeline, Salvation Army and other community organisations. Sonshine Sanctuary supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women.
General Crisis and Emergency Services
ST Vincent De Paul - Maroochydore
St Vincent de Paul Society Queensland - Child and Family ProgramSt Vincent De Paul are a voluntary welfare organisation providing emergency assistance to help disadvantaged people with clothing, blankets and food.
General Crisis and Emergency Services
Short term accommodation for women and accompanying children who are homeless as a result of domestic and family violence and have low security support needs.
General Crisis and Emergency Services
The Integrated Family and Youth Service (IFYS)
Integrated Family And Youth ServiceIFYS provide a range of specialist support and intervention programs for children, young people and families. They also provide a range of counselling, accommodation support options and crisis interventions. Emergency Shelter - Maroochydore Inclusive Living Program - Sunshine Coast Accommodation - Sunshine Coast Community Centre - Coolum (CCC) Early Intervention Program
General Crisis and Emergency Services
Anglicare Southern Queensland Mental Health and Family Wellbeing
Anglicare Southern Queensland is a proud member of the Anglicare Australia network.
General Crisis and Emergency Services
Police Link
Queensland Police ServiceEvery day the Queensland Police Service, your police service, works tirelessly to ensure the safety and security of the community.
General Crisis and Emergency Services
Volunteers who provide emergency & safety of life communications on the Citizen Band & Maritime radio frequencies along with community information on Facebook & Twitter 24/7 Phone or SMS 0422 687 352
General Crisis and Emergency Services
Team Rubicon Australia
Team Rubicon Australia unites the skills and experiences of Australian Defence Force veterans with first responders to rapidly deploy emergency response teams around the globe.