Adult Education in Sunshine Coast
Adult Education
LABSgroup is a support and training organisation developed to assist business people who are in various stages of business/financial loss using our unique LABSprogram as a personal framework for recovery. To ensure the ongoing development, expansion and broad delivery of the LABSprogram, hence creating opportunities for a diverse range of business people across a large geographical area to ...
Adult Education
Licence to Boat - Sunshine Coast
THE TRUSTEE FOR LICENCE TO BOATLicence to Boat is a Queensland Government approved Boatsafe, RMDL (Boat) and PWC (Jet Ski) licence training provider.
Adult Education
Monica WilsonI provide a range of educational workshops to professionals and members of the public. Topics include loss and grief, communication issues, sadness, spiritual health, preparing for death.
Adult Education
TAFE Queensland Caloundra Campus
Tafe QueenslandTAFE Queensland Caloundra offers the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) designed to assist newly arrived migrants, refugees, humanitarian entrants and unemployed Australians from English speaking and diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
Adult Education
TAFE Queensland Mooloolaba Campus
Tafe QueenslandTAFE Queensland Mooloolaba offers the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) designed to assist newly arrived migrants, refugees, humanitarian entrants and unemployed Australians from English speaking and diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
Mountain Creek
Adult Education
TAFE Queensland Nambour Campus
Tafe QueenslandTAFE Queensland Nambour offers the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) designed to assist newly arrived migrants, refugees, humanitarian entrants and unemployed Australians from English speaking and diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
Adult Education
Tai Chi Harmony - Maroochydore
Tai Chi HarmonyEstablished in 2017, Tai Chi Harmony is based and operating throughout the Sunshine Coast region. o Tai Chi Harmony is a full-time provider offering professional tuition to all members of the community. o All classes are inclusive, positive and encouraging using down-to-earth language which everyone can understand. o All ability levels are catered for including disability, mental illness
Adult Education
University of the Third Age - Sunshine Coast
U3a Sunshine CoastU3A is designed for people who are no longer working full-time, but wish to continue to learn and broaden their horizons. U3A offers academic and skills subjects, arts and crafts, exercise and social activities. Classes are conducted in various venues on the Sunshine Coast. The year is divided into four terms, similar to school terms. There are no examinations.
Sippy Downs
Adult Education
Australian Child Care Career Options (ACCCO) - National Head Office
Australian Child Care Career Options (ACCCO)ACCCO is an industry recommended and well-established Registered Training Organisation providing qualifications in Early Childhood Education and Care, School Age Education and Care, Education Support.
Adult Education
Australian Training Institute
The “Australian Training Institute (ATI) Pty Ltd” specialises in First Aid; Security; Working at Heights/Confined Space; Safety (WHS); Fire; Mining; and Business. Our honesty, integrity and professionalism along with our broad expertise and technical training have positioned the company as one of the top providers in Australia.
Adult Education
AVP (NSW) - Online
Alternatives To Violence Project (NSW)Small, interactive groups exploring communication, connections, cooperation, affirmation, and conflict transformation.
Adult Education
Learning Network Queensland
Tafe QueenslandLearning Network Queensland offers over 200 courses across a wide range of interest areas including computing, book keeping, small business, professional development, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander training, languages and more. Mobile delivery is not new to Learning Network Queensland as we successfully deliver vocational programs to rural and remote locations in Queensland.
Adult Education
Lifelong Learning Council Queensland
LIFELONG LEARNING COUNCIL QUEENSLAND INC.Lifelong Learning Council Queensland supports and promotes Adult Community Education across Queensland and offers professional development for ACE providers, adult educators, tutors, mentors, coordinators, etc.
Adult Education
Mental Health First Aid Training
Future Training 4uMental Health First Aid - Training - Support - Fully Accredited & Professional Courses - Available to suit Individuals, Groups, Organisations, Companies, Government Departments, Military & Civil Emergency Agencies, Business Management & Employees, Volunteers.
Adult Education
At Parentshop we provide challenging, engaging and action-based professional development and training events that deliver effective behaviour change solutions for all ages. We guide and support professionals and parents through the provision of training to parents, school staff, community sector employees and child and family specialists in behaviour management and managing childhood anxiety.
Adult Education
Queensland Association of School Tuckshops
Queensland Association of School Tuckshops provides Food Safety Supervisor Certificates, tailored to School Canteen Convenors.
Adult Education short courses through which to develop your skills
Adult Education
Spectrum Training
The Spectrum OrganizationSpectrum Training is part of The Spectrum Organization which is a non-profit, benevolent association committed to the wellbeing of the community. We offer a range of accredited and professional development training in Community Services, Mental Health and Child, Youth and Family qualifications.
Adult Education
Suicide Programs Calm Conversations Can Save Lives
We offer many evidence based, Australian training programs that empowers you to “have a CALM conversation” about suicide - to reduce stigma, promote help seeking and save lives. Learn face-to-face, virtually or online.
Adult Education
TAFE Open Learning
Tafe QueenslandTAFE Queensland's distance and online programs bring you quality short courses that address your immediate needs, whether it be for career progression or, lifestyle enhancement.