General Advocacy Services in Toowoomba
General Advocacy Services
Amnesty International Toowoomba Group
Amnesty International AustraliaAmnesty International Toowoomba Group is part of a global movement advocating for human rights.
General Advocacy Services
Amparo Advocacy - Toowoomba City
Amparo AdvocacyOffers free help for people from multicultural backgrounds with disability, their families and communities to build their capacity and learn more about disability rights, understanding disability in Australia, gaining confidence to exercise their rights and voice their concerns, assisting to gain access to mainstream and specialised disability services including the NDIS and much more.
Toowoomba City
General Advocacy Services
Highfields RSL Sub Branch, INC
HIGHFIELDS SUBBRANCH - RSL QUEENSLANDWhat is the RSL..... Today, the RSL is the largest ex-service organisation in Australia with a national membership of around 200,000. Within Queensland, there are 45,000 members from 250 Sub Branch
General Advocacy Services
Justice & Attorney-General - Toowoomba City
Justice & Attorney-GeneralWe aim to deliver a fair and safe marketplace for Queensland consumers and businesses. To do this, we provide several key Fair Trading services. At this office we: • Handle your complaints; • Investigate possible breaches of our legislation; and • Enforce our legislation through the courts and the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal; • Run proactive compliance operations.
Toowoomba City
General Advocacy Services
Multicultural Australia - Toowoomba City
Multicultural AustraliaMulticultural Australia develops relationships with community stakeholders to help bridge the gaps between the structures of government, private corporations and large NGOs to ensure people are heard and can engage.
Toowoomba City
General Advocacy Services
Save the Children - Toowoomba Branch
54 ReasonsSave the Children Australia advocates for the needs of disadvantaged children in Australia and overseas and in accordance with its mission and policies (refer to for details)
Toowoomba City
General Advocacy Services
ADA Australia
ADA Australia offers free, confidential, client directed advocacy support to people with issues around services in residential aged care or those living at home receiving aged care services.
General Advocacy Services
Advocacy on behalf of our Members
Queensland Alliance For Mental HealthThe Queensland Alliance for Mental Health advocates on behalf of the Community Mental Health and Wellbeing Sector for better recognition within the State.
General Advocacy Services
Aged and Disability Advocacy Australia trading as ADA Australia
ADA AustraliaAged and Disability Advocacy Australia (ADA Australia) is an independent service offering free, confidential and client-focused services including advocacy support for aged care and community care issues, Guardianship matters, and provision of education and information, throughout Queensland. Target Group: Aged persons who receive a Home Care Package or reside in an aged care home.
General Advocacy Services
Diverse Communities & Social Services (DCSS Australia Inc.) Indigenous & LGBTIQA+ Community Justice and Social Services Charity / Not-For-Profit & Charity Community Consultants (NFPCCC) Indigenous DGR PBI Charities
#Dcss - Diverse Community Justice & Social Services (Www.Dcssjustice.Au) #Lgbtiq #Multicultural #Disability #Firstnations #Indigenous #Diversity #Equality #Inclusion #Dei #Nfp #CharityThis program enables us to assist people who are disadvantaged and who genuinely want to change their lives. Clients can complete a WDP through our organisation, for more information please visit: or email
General Advocacy Services
Eating Disorders Assoc
Providing information, individual and group programs, and referrals to individuals with eating disorders, their carers and health professionals.
General Advocacy Services
Elder Abuse Prevention Unit Help Line
The Elder Abuse Helpline promotes the right of older people to live free from abuse.
General Advocacy Services
Housing Older Women Support Service (HOWSS)
Footprints CommunityHousing Older Women Support Service (HOWSS) as part of Footprints Community is a Queensland wide service available to women 50+, or First Nations women 45+, experiencing housing instability or homelessness to access supports and information. HOWSS is not a crisis service however, we provide service navigation, phone support and case management.
General Advocacy Services
Limbs 4 Life
Limbs 4 Life is the peak body for amputees in Australia and was founded as an incorporated charity in 2004. Limbs 4 Life provides services to thousands of amputees and their care givers, who rely on the programs and services for assistance prior to, or after a limb amputation.
General Advocacy Services
Mental Health Court registry
Dept Of Justice & Attorney-generalThe Mental Health Court decides the state of mind of people charged with criminal offences.The court hears matters in Brisbane and also conducts hearings via videoconferencing..
General Advocacy Services
Office Of The Public Guardian
Involuntary guardianship agency for persons identified as having limited decision making capacity.
General Advocacy Services
QE11 Courts of Law Complex
Dept Of Justice & Attorney-generalThe Mental Health Court decides the state of mind of people charged with criminal offences.The court hears matters in Brisbane and also conducts hearings via videoconferencing..
General Advocacy Services
Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages
Dept Of Justice & Attorney-generalThe Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages is responsible for registering births, deaths, marriages, change of name & adoptions in Queensland. Family historians can access historical birth, death & marriage records through the registry’s family history website.
General Advocacy Services
Spinal Life Australia
Spinal Life Australia is a leading provider of advocacy, therapy and supports for people with spinal cord damage and related physical disabilities. In Toowoomba, these services include allied health, personal support and home care, as well as networks for members to share information and advocate for change in their community.
General Advocacy Services
Women's Legal Service - Annerley
Women's Legal ServiceFree legal help for women in Queensland with domestic violence, complex family law and sexual assault notes counselling privilege matters.