Welfare Assistance & Support Services in Toowoomba
Welfare Assistance & Support Services
Centrelink Customer Service Centre - Toowoomba
Services AustraliaWe deliver social and health-related payments and services. Please call us for more information on the services that we provide and we can help assist you.
Anglicare Southern Queensland
Children and Parenting Service, Family Mental Health Support Service, Emergency Relief Service, Homestay Sustaining Tenancy Service. We support families in the Toowoomba and Southern Downs area.
East Toowoomba
Welfare Assistance & Support Services
Continuous Care Pty Ltd
Provides the following services: Assist-Travel/Transport, Community Nursing Care, Home Modification, Household Tasks, Interpret/Translate, Therapeutic Supports, Vehicle Modifications community perceptions assistance with daily life activities
Dr EAF McDonald Residential Aged Care
Friends Of Mcdonald Nursing Home Organisation IncFundraise to provide a few of life's little luxuries for the residents of the Dr EAF McDonald Nursing Home at Oakey
Hope for Our Children
Giving hope to our children and young people by improving their social and emotional wellbeing through program tools and support. Backpacks of Love, Therapy dogs & Foster Carer Support Group
Toowoomba City
Lifeline Darling Downs & South West Queensland Ltd
Lifeline Darling Downs And South West QLDLifeline Darling Downs and South West Queensland Ltd offers personal counselling for individuals, couples and families. Appointments can be made by telephoning 1300-991-443 during normal business hours Monday to Friday. We also offer assistance to clients with a disability who have received a NDIS Package. If you need assistance with your NDIS package please telephone 1300-991-443 during BH.
Lifeline Darling Downs & South West Queensland Ltd
Lifeline Darling Downs And South West QLDTranquillity Care Services ensure that participants living with disabilities are respected, supported with their individual NDIS plans and life goals.
ME/CFS/FM Support Association Qld Inc
Me Cfs Fm Support Association Qld IncWe send out free information kits to sufferers of Myalgic Encephalomyalitis (ME) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and Fibromyalgia (FM. Our office is open 10 - 3 Tuesday to Thursday. Meeting day is the first Wednesday of each month except January.
Toowoomba City
Save the Children - Toowoomba Branch
54 ReasonsSupports a Thrift Shop selling donated clothing and small items to obtain income for Save the Children's state, national and world-wide programs to help disadvantaged and abused children. The Shop is staffed by volunteers - applications welcome!
Toowoomba City
St Vincent de Paul - Pittsworth
St Vincent de Paul Society QueenslandWe provide services in the Toowoomba Regional Council region.
The Australian Federation Of Totally And Permanently Incapacitated Ex Servicemen And Women
The association has supported veterans and their families with advice that has enabled them to improve their standard of living. It continues to lobby political groups to ensure any new legislation does not erode any benefits gained. Main activities relate to Welfare, companionship and support for ex-service men and women who have been totally and permanently incapacited as a result of service.
Toowoomba City
The Salvation Army Toowoomba
The Trustee For The Salvation Army (Qld) Social WorkThe Salvation Army Toowoomba supports our community through the delivery of Financial, Emotional and Material Assistance to those in need. We give gift vouchers through our National Phone Assessment Line and onsite we have a community engagement worker who can support people with varied material assistance.
Toowoomba Stroke Support Group
The Stroke Support Group provides activities to assist clients to regain memory and comprehension skills which may have been impaired from stroke, through the use of various recreational pursuits such as word puzzles and card games.
South Toowoomba
Breakthrough for Families Qld
Drug ARMBreakthrough for Families Qld is an information, referral and support program for family members, significant others and loved ones of people who are experiencing alcohol or other drug issues. Book an appointment by calling the Central Intake Service on (07) 3620 8880.
Lifeline Darling Downs - St George office
Lifeline Darling Downs And South West QLDLifeline Darling Downs & South West Queensland Limited (Lifeline Darling Downs) is a community based organisation providing an array of counselling and community services, to an area roughly the size of Victoria.
My Connections My Way
Lifeline Darling Downs And South West QLDThe program provides individual and group-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to people aged from 12 years old with mild to moderate mental health issues such as grief, loss, depression and anxiety. It aims to improve well-being, strengthen relationships and increase participation in community.
National Perinatal Support Program
The Babes Project AustraliaThe Babes Project works with women who are seeking additional support during pregnancy. We run a National support service providing our Perinatal Support Program via phone and video calls for pregnant and early parenting women across Australia, who cannot access one of the Centres.
Rosies Youth Mission
Rosies is a community of people sharing the Oblate spirit of daring. Inspired by the Gospel, Rosies reaches out to those most abandoned, to be present with them, offering them experience of community and belonging.
Saver Plus
Saver Plus is a 10-month matched savings program that helps people to build their financial skills, establish a savings goal and develop long term saving habits. When finished, participants receive up to $500 in matched savings which can be used for education costs such as computers and tablets, text books and uniforms.
Seeds Of Hope Community Services Ltd
Seeds Of Hope Community ServicesWe provide fee and interest free loans up to $1000 to people on Centrelink to escape pawn brokers, pay day lenders, rent/buy contracts. We also assist with car registration. This project is called Financial Choices and is funded via philanthropic grants. We operate statewide with over the phone support.