Toowoomba Knit and Crochet Group
Toowoomba Knitters and Crocheters

About Us
Do you knit or crochet? Would you like to get together with others who also are passionate about knitting and crocheting?? Then come to a Knit and Natter every Tuesday at my place, in Wilsonton, TOOWOOMBA From 10 am till 3 pm - so if morning suits you best, come early, if afternoon suits you better, come later! Or come at 10 am and stay all day! It is preferable that you already know how to knit or crochet the basics as this is NOT a teaching session....but beginners who can already knit and crochet are very welcome. Please - no children - as there is the safety factor - needle and hooks, y'know? Morning and afternoon tea is provided - yummy homemade goodies too - phone or text 0413439014 or just turn up!.... Bring your knitting or crochet with you - and have some fun, share patterns, techniques, show and tell - I would love to see you there... By the way - this is FREE!! No charge - not evening for morning or afternoon tea which is homemade ....have to bring your own lunch though LOL!
Quick Facts About The Region
Extra Information
Accessible By Anyone
Access Fee No fee
Age Ranges Over 15 years of age
Meeting Times
We meet at 10:00 AM every second Tuesday each Month
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A group for enthusiastic Knitters and Crocheters
Visit Toowoomba Knitters and Crocheters website