Mental Health Services in Torres Strait Island
Mental Health Services
Mental Health First Aid Training
Future Training 4uMental Health First Aid - Training - Support - Fully Accredited & Professional Courses - Available to suit Individuals, Groups, Organisations, Companies, Government Departments, Military & Civil Emergency Agencies, Business Management & Employees, Volunteers.
Mental Health Services
Mental Health First Aide Interntional
Mental Health First Aid InternationalMental Health First Aid (MHFA) Australia is a national not-for-profit health promotion charity focused on mental health training and research. MHFA Australia operates under the governance of a Board of Directors and derives funding from government and philanthropic grants, public donations and through its training programs.
Mental Health Services
Torres Place Based Mental Health Service
Wakai Waian HealingProvides low to moderate intensity mental health services to people with, or at risk of, mild to moderate mental illness. To be eligible for the program, individuals must have a non-acute moderate mental health condition, a Mental Health Treatment Plan or a Child Treatment Plan, reside in the NQPHN catchment area and hold a current Health Care Card, Low Income Health Care Card or Pension Card.
Thursday Island
Mental Health Services
Vivid Mental Health - Mackay
Vivid Mental Health offers a range of psychological therapy, in-person from our Mackay based Private Practice and Teletherapy (Phone and Video-chat) all across Australia. For the Mackay region we are able to offer certain programs on locations such as corporate organisations, schools and universities.
Advocacy on behalf of our Members
Queensland Alliance For Mental HealthThe Queensland Alliance for Mental Health advocates on behalf of the Community Mental Health and Wellbeing Sector for better recognition within the State.
Community Mental Health and Wellbeing Sector information
Queensland Alliance For Mental HealthQAMH represents more than 100 Queensland organisations and individual Members involved in the quality delivery of community mental health and wellbeing services across the state. As the peak body for the Community Mental Health and Wellbeing Sector, our role is to reform, promote and drive community mental health and wellbeing service delivery, through our influence and collaboration with Members.
Mental Health Court registry
Dept Of Justice & Attorney-generalThe Mental Health Court decides the state of mind of people charged with criminal offences.The court hears matters in Brisbane and also conducts hearings via videoconferencing..
Mental Health Court registry
Dept Of Justice & Attorney-generalThe Mental Health Court decides the state of mind of people charged with criminal offences.The court hears matters in Brisbane and also conducts hearings via videoconferencing.
Peak Body for Queensland's Community Mental Health Sector
Queensland Alliance For Mental HealthThe Queensland Alliance For Mental Health reforms, promotes and drive community mental health and wellbeing services for all Queenslanders, through its influence and collaboration with its Members and strategic partners.
Psychosocial Peak Body
Queensland Alliance For Mental HealthAs the Psychosocial Peak Body in Queensland, QAMH provides information about services in your area, training to boost inclusion and advocates directly to Government on issues affecting people experiencing psychosocial difficulties.
Recovery Plus Support
Recovery Plus Support is a registered NDIS provider specialising in services for participants with a Psychosocial Disability. We are best known for our Recovery Coaching service and also specialise in: - Social and Community Participation - Support Coordination - Capacity Building - In-home Care We are an Australian company and provide our services Australia-wide.
Substance Abuse & Mental Health (Dual Diagnosis) Training
Dual Diagnosis Training - Substance Abuse & Mental HealthGeorge Patriki provides both LIVE and ONLINE training for all people, including professional development for the health care, welfare and social service industries on the Gold Coast, throughout Australia and the globe… We also offers free and subsidised services to the general public; Free family support;
Mental Health Services
1300 MH CALL
Metro South Hospital And Health Service1300 MH CALL (1300 642 255) is a confidential mental health telephone triage service that provides the first point of contact to public mental health services to Queenslanders.
Mental Health Services
Aligned Mind Psychology
Child, adolescent and adult therapies Family, Couples and Parenting sessions and supports Diagnostic Assessment Training, coaching and mentoring
Mental Health Services
Avicenna Health and Wellness
Good health is not a luxury, it is what you deserve. Blending science and traditional knowledge, we support you on your journey to optimal health with natural, holistic, and personalised solutions.
Mental Health Services
BeeYou Psychology
BeeYou PsychologyBridgette is an empathetic and skilled early career psychologist with experience in the delicate realms of child and adolescent psychology, cancer care, and grief and loss. Bridgette has a strong interest in working across the lifespan ranging from adults to children and families. With a compassionate approach, Bridgette utilises a range of evidence-based therapies and interventions.
Mental Health Services
Beyond Blue Helpline and Online Chat
Beyond BlueBeyond Blue Webchat provides one-on-one mental health support for people in Australia who are concerned about anxiety, depression or suicide.
Mental Health Services
BluePages Depression Information
E - Hub HealthBluePages Depression Information provides evidence-based information about depression - what it feels like, how it is diagnosed, how you can seek help and which treatments work. The website includes reviews of the available scientific evidence for a large number of potential depression treatments, so that individuals can make informed decisions about which treatments might be best for them.
Mental Health Services
Business Wellness Coaching
Rural Financial Counselling Service North QueenslandGeoff is our Townsville based Business Wellness Coach, supporting small business owners throughout the Townsville and surrounding region. Geoff is an experienced and skilled counsellor and joins the team with nine years experience in the alcohol and other drug sector, in both residential and community settings. With a specialty in facilitating behaviour change, he has proven experience delivering
Mental Health Services
Call to Mind
Call to Mind is a telepsychiatry service that allows people across Australia to access quality mental health care. We have a team of psychiatrists and psychologists ranging in availability and speciality to best meet your needs. Consults are held on a video-conferencing platform so you can attend your appointment from anywhere.